MSC volunteers Gail Piotrowski and Kevin Welton paint a fresh set of blazes to mark the Ice Age National Scenic Trail.
Photo credit: D.Caliebe
Think of a Texas-sized project spread out along 30 miles of trail with outsized brush, brambles, beaver dams, hoodoos and swamp-like-terrain. This area is remote and Mother-Nature is law-less and overgrown.
Please join us in the Blue Hills to help care for and steward the Trail by reinvigorating and keeping existing Trail segments clearly signed and open for hikers. This MSC project is full-on, straight-up trail maintenance.
Each morning we’ll assign small crews (maybe 3, 5 or 10 in number) to be released into the rugged beauty of the Blue Hills. We will rely on you and your crew leaders’ ingenuity and safe decision-making to accomplish broad trail maintenance goals.
A DeLorme Wisconsin Atlas and Gazetteer, paired with your spirit of adventure and “Trail Eyes” will be helpful to bring, as well as a pair of flip-flops for a refreshing wade in Hemlock or other gurgling creek.
The Blue Hills Mobile Skills Crew Event runs Wednesday, June 22 through Sunday, June 26, 2016. You may sign up for one or more days as suits your schedule.
Click here to REGISTER for the Blue Hills MSC Event.
To gain a more EXTENSIVE idea of what this Mobile Skills Crew Event encompasses, click here.
We look forward to having you join us for this important stewardship project.