Save the Date! 2017 Mobile Skills Crew Events

Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Ice Age Trail Alliance, 2017 Mobil Skills Crew Events

The Ice Age National Scenic Trail meanders through the woods.
Photo credit: Tim Malzhan

The promise of friendship and laughter. The smell of fresh-cut dirt. The sound of iron on rock. The hum and conversations of multi-generational volunteers working arm-in-arm. The satisfaction that comes when contributing to something that’s bigger than us and, when looking back at the end of the day, seeing a job well done.  

Excitingly, miles of new Trail and newly imagined Trail experiences pull us through the cold towards a new season of trailbuilding. The Ice Age Trail doesn’t just happen. The Trail needs your special brand of magic to flourish and take root in the hearts and minds and imagination of Wisconsinites. Chippewa, Manitowoc, Marathon, and Kewaunee counties await construction of spectacular tread meandering up and over ice-walled, lake plains and through hiker-friendly towns alike. High-quality trail experiences will be maintained through ambitious stewardship projects, like the ones planned for Rusk, Waukesha, Lincoln, Walworth, and Taylor counties. Whether it’s crafting boardwalks and bridges, learning and sharing new skills, or meeting new people and seeing new places, the season ahead is representative of our steadfast commitment to creating, supporting, and protecting the Ice Age National Scenic Trail.

We’ll start the season with a Triple Header, while spring flowers are still finding their path through the snow; we’ll stay late, savoring brisk mornings and the rusty-colored big and little blue stem in the southern kettles, come late October.

Whether you’re new to the trail or an experienced hand, you are warmly invited to bring your own special brand of magic to the Trail and help make the 2017 trailbuilding season a memorable one.

We hope you’ll invite friends and family and join us at one or more of these statewide events listed on our 2017 Mobile Skills Crew schedule (please see it below).

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Mobile Skills Crew Events 2017, Ice Age National Scenic Trail

All smiles! A father-daughter duo work together to build trail.
Photo credit: Rachel Roberts

The IATA 2017 Mobile Skills Crew Event Schedule:

Feb 3-5 (Fri-Sun), Winter Rendezvous: (Educate, Empower, Play), Lincoln County

April 7-8 (Fri-Sat), Corridor Clearing taking place at three simultaneous events across the state.  

1.    Ringle Segment, Marathon County

2.    Firth Lake Segment, Chippewa County

3.    Walla-Hi Segment, Manitowoc County (includes Chainsaw Safety training)

May 17-21 (Wed-Sun), New Trail Construction: Ringle Segment, Marathon County

May 31-June 2 (Wed-Fri), Boardwalk Training: Eagle Segment, Waukesha County

June 1-3 (Thurs-Sat), Storm Damage Clean-up: Blue Hills, Rusk County

June 22-25 (Thurs-Sun), Ice Age Trail University: Merrill School Forest, Lincoln County

July 11-13 (Tue-Thurs), Farm Technology Days & New Trail through the city of Algoma: Kewaunee County

July 26-29 (Wed-Sat), Bridge Construction: Lake Eleven Segment, Taylor County

Aug 9-13 (Wed-Sun), New Trail Construction: Ringle Segment, Marathon County

Aug 24-26 (Thurs-Sat), Boardwalk Construction: Clover Valley Segment, Walworth County

Sept 13-17 (Wed-Sun), New Trail Construction: Walla-Hi Segment, Manitowoc County

Oct 11-15 (Wed-Sun), New Trail Construction: Firth Lake Segment, Chippewa County

Oct 26-28 (Thurs-Sat), Boardwalk Construction: Eagle Segment, Waukesha County

In January, we’ll announce more details and registration info for each project. Today, please sharpen your pencils and block off some dates next year to spend with Trail friends and family.

On behalf of the Ice Age Trail Alliance staff and Board of Directors, sincerest appreciation and best wishes to you and yours this holiday season.


Tim Malzhan, Director of Trail Operations