Dolly McNulty 2018 Spirit Stick Award Winner

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Annual Conference, Awards, Spirit Stick Award

Dolly McNulty: Inventor of Cold Cache concept, Board member, Camp Chef, Trail Angel, Chapter Leader (and founder)…and the list goes on!

At the Alliance’s awards ceremony, executive director Mike Wollmer summarized Dolly’s remarkable contributions with the following words:

“For the very few of you who don’t know about Dolly, I’ll provide you a recap of the last 25+ years. In reviewing our files and several nomination forms, it would be easier for me to tell you what she hasn’t done, but that’s not fair.

Walking stickSince at least 1992, she has:

• Been a member!
• Been a Trail Angel to countless hikers
• Served as a director 3 times
• Co-hosted 2 Roads Scholar events
• Anyone heard of Cold Cache? A ground breaking Ice Age Trail version of Earth caching that would be nowhere without her.
• Received the 2016 American Recreation Coalition’s Beacon Award for innovative service
• Co-organized the “Chillin’ on the Trail” in 2009
• Served as a delightful Camp Chef at many MSC Trail Events serving as many as 1,000 meals
• Presented at annual conferences almost every year
• Coordinated and promoted Manitowoc/Two Rivers as a Trail community
• Been a regular Saunters contributor
• Actively led or co-founded three separate chapters over the years
• Helped with Farm Technology Days as a leader
• Provided important assets to our mobile app; Mammoth Tracks
• Possesses an unbridled energy
• Dedicated to being a 1,000 miler
I know I’ve missed many things, but the greatest attribute of Dolly is that of a great ambassador for the Trail and the Alliance.”


Dolly McNulty 2018 Spirit Stick award recipient. Photo by C&J Photography, Sheboygan, WI