President Signs Bill Permanently Reauthorizing LWCF

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Advocacy, Save LWCF, Land and Water Conservation Fund, Table Bluff SegmentIn an historic victory for public lands and close-to-home recreation, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) was permanently reauthorized yesterday, March 12, 2019, as part of a sweeping public lands package signed into law by President Donald J. Trump.

The legislation, which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in the House (363-62) and the Senate (92-8) last month, was signed yesterday during a ceremony that included LWCF champions. The culmination of a year’s-long effort by Congressional champions on both sides of the aisle and by stakeholders across the country to preserve the unique character of this program.

For more than 50 years, the Land and Water Conservation Fund has helped conserve important land, water and recreation areas for all Americans. By investing a portion of offshore energy revenues, LWCF pays for local, state and national parks, including the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. More than 14 million dollars of LWCF funding have been spent since the year 2000 to protect the Ice Age Trail.

Your efforts on behalf of the Trail made a BIG difference. Thank you for making calls to your representatives in Congress.

However, we will need your support in the near future. One loose end remains when it comes to funding for the LWCF…

While the President permanently reauthorized the expired Land and Water Conservation Fund, he and Congress did not fully fund it.

We will still need to request full and dedicated funding, but this is a huge step forward.

We can still celebrate a historic victory!


The IATA Advocacy Team

Photo credit: Kevin Thusius, Table Bluff Segment (Swamplovers’ property) Dane County