Photo Credit: Cameron Gillie

Become a Member!

Become a member today—enroll once, it’s easy.

$5/month is all it takes, but $10/month covers processing fees AND doubles your impact!

As a member, you are part of a community helping to conserve, create, maintain, and promote the Ice Age National Scenic Trail, a treasure that gives much to many.

As a member, you'll get:

  • A copy of Mammoth Tales magazine, mailed three times a year
  • Invitations to participate in special hikes, social activities, and other Trail events
  • Satisfaction of knowing you’re helping to protect land for the Trail
  • Discounts on Ice Age Trail merchandise, including the popular guidebooks
  • Membership in a local volunteer chapter
  • Voting privileges at the Annual Meeting

Membership supports the conservation and preservation of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail and helps more people enjoy it.

Photo by Meg Domroese

Zak became an Ice Age Trail Alliance member because…

“I want to contribute to creating and maintaining a Trail that showcases Wisconsin’s beauty and unites people from different backgrounds across the state.” ~ Zak M.

Be like Zak.

Become an Alliance member. Help create and maintain the Trail, an outdoor classroom for 10,000 students and an asset to Wisconsin tourism.

Membership supports volunteers who lead hikes, especially the outings that introduced 10,000 students to the Trail in 2023!

Photographed: Lodi Elementary School

Amanda became an Ice Age Trail Alliance member because…

“I wanted to give back while also hiking. I found there is a volunteer niche for everyone. My favorite volunteer activity is leading hikes with kids. By joining and supporting the Ice Age Trail Alliance, I help make the outdoors accessible to everyone.” ~Amanda F.

Be like Amanda.

Become an Alliance member. Give back to the Trail that offers 1,200 adventurous miles by supporting the hike leaders who promote it!