A glimpse of boardwalk along the Jerry Lake Segment of the Chippewa Moraine in Taylor County.
Photo credit: D. Caliebe
Have you ever, while hiking along the Ice Age National Scenic Trail, found yourself standing in awe, exhaling a huge sigh, your heart filled, and knowing there were simply no words for the beauty you were witness to?
Perhaps, in the next moment, you whipped out your phone, or dug around in your day pack for a camera, sincerely hoping the adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words” was true and you could adequately capture the way the sun slants golden across the field; the way the trillium spreads across the forest floor, a delicate white carpet fit for a fairy queen. Perhaps you sought to hold on to the expression of sheer happiness on your hiking partner’s face and his or her wind-tousled hair.
Maybe, you too, have felt the truth of Ansel Adams’ statement, “When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”
For you, your love affair with life is reflected in the photographs you take while immersed in nature. If you are the one with camera in hand on a hike, then we would love to partner with you.

A hiker rejuvenating in the breath-taking view of Devil’s Lake State Park, Sauk County.
Photo credit: D. Nowak
A Call for Ice Age National Scenic Trail Photographs
We are updating the Ice Age Trail Guide Book, last printed in 2014, which contains detailed segment-by-segment descriptions, maps, and high quality, expressive photographs highlighting the beauty of the trail experience.
We are also always on the lookout for photographs we can use in our various publications or social media posts.
Here’s what we need from you, dear avid hiker and photographer:
The original files (not downsized versions) of 1 – 5 of your favorite photographs; we need as many pixels as possible for print reproduction.
We welcome a variety of pictures, general landscape, flowers, and wildlife, and especially attractive subject matter (for our purposes) includes people interacting with and having fun along the Trail.
It is always helpful if a yellow blaze is present in the photograph to establish Ice Age Trail identity. The cover of the Spring 2016 Mammoth Tales is a good example of both of these elements. Click here to see what we are talking about.
Please submit your photos to the Communications Coordinator for the Ice Age Trail Alliance, Lysianne Unruh at Lysianne@iceagetrail.org.
Each individual photo submission should include:
-Permission to reprint in Alliance publications
-Photographer name
-Photo location, and ideally, the official Ice Age Trail segment name
-Names of those shown in photo
What’s In It for You?
How ’bout some Love, Love, Love…
If your photograph(s) are selected for use in the 2017 Ice Age Trail Guidebook your name will appear in the photo credits and you will receive a free copy of the Guidebook, a $30.00 value.
If your photograph(s) are selected for other publication purposes, say an IATA blog post, your name will appear in the photo credits, and you’ll get the thrill of knowing your photo helped express the key point in a story.
And, yes, lots of LOVE. You will receive our immense appreciation for so generously sharing your love of beauty and of the Trail with us in this way.