Cheers to a Successful Weeding and Wine Event Series

Seeds from native prairie plants were collected in addition to weeding out invasive plant species at Weeding and Wine. Photo by Cameron Gillie.
Seeds from native prairie plants were collected in addition to weeding out invasive plant species at Weeding and Wine. Photo by Cameron Gillie.

With fall rounding the corner, we bid farewell to long summer evenings, prairies in bloom and abuzz with pollinators, and weed pulling activities. It’s sad for all of us. As the days grow shorter, we can think back to the sunsets shared on Picnic Hill to get us through the darkness of winter.

Thank you to the 40 volunteers who contributed 142 hours in our first year of the Weeding & Wine Wednesday volunteer event series. Their dedication through rain or shine and positive attitudes made this season a great success.

Weeding out invasive plant species at Swamplovers Preserve. Photo by Amy Lord.
Weeding out invasive plant species at Swamplovers Preserve. Photo by Amy Lord.
Sun setting over Picnic Prairie at a Weeding and Wine event. Photo by Amy Lord.
Sun setting over Picnic Prairie at a Weeding and Wine event. Photo by Amy Lord.

Thousands of plants were pulled, translating to millions of weed seeds removed from the prairie and savannah at SwampLovers Preserve – Table Bluff Segment. Protecting these ecosystems from invading non-native species is a true labor of love. Each year that we can knock back the invasive species is another year our great Wisconsin natives will flourish.

In addition to weeding during our September event, native prairie seed was also collected. These seeds (Purple Prairie Clover, Pale Purple Coneflower, and Rosinweed)  will be planted next spring at SwampLovers and other nature preserves throughout Dane County–increasing biodiversity and pollinator habitat.

Weeding & Wine Brought New Volunteers to the Alliance

We had a great time getting to know everyone as we pulled weeds, gathered prairie seed, and snacked on cheese, crackers, fresh fruit, and – of course – enjoyed wine! We hope to see both seasoned and new volunteers again at future events.

Crews got to appreciate beautiful sunsets as they worked in the Picnic Hill Prairie. Photo by Amy Lord.
Crews got to appreciate beautiful sunsets as they worked in the Picnic Hill Prairie. Photo by Amy Lord.

40 Volunteers

142 Volunteer Hours

To everyone who helped make this event a success, a special thanks to:

  • SwampLovers Foundation
  • Dane County Chapter volunteers: Tom Wise, Theresa Warner, and Carol Pope
  • Cameron Gillie, The Pinhole Thing and Around Wisco

Up Next:

October 5-9, Ringle Segment, Marathon County (Registration open.)

Join us in Marathon County October 5-9 for the final push to complete the reimagined Ringle Segment. Expect plenty of tread construction, a good deal of stonework as we construct monowalls and stone staircases, and maybe even a boardwalk!  Finally, heaps of signage will be added to welcome hikers.

Event Details and Registration

Ice Age Trail, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Reconnect, Trail Improvement Days

See our full schedule upcoming events here: 2021 Reconnect Events.