At the confluence of great weather and great volunteers is a great project. In the case of this year’s Wildcard event, three projects on three segments.
Calls of “Coming through!” rang out as hikers passed through the work area. The heavy hiker traffic caused frequent but not unwelcome interruptions. “Holy sh*t!” one hiker exclaimed. “I was here a couple of days ago, and this wasn’t here.”
Over 4 days, 66 volunteers donated 2,200 service hours. They constructed 2 boardwalks, totaling 377 feet – one on the Lowe Lake Segment and another along the Hartland Segment at the Alliance-owned Hartland Marsh. In addition, a crew opened a new half-mile loop trail in the Alliance-owned Emerald Preserve located along Donegal Road. This Preserve also supports a parking lot and is a trailhead for the Holy Hill Segment.

As a bonus, because the boardwalk fever struck some volunteers so hard, they built a single-frame mini-boardwalk to bridge a small ditch on the Holy Hill Segment.
These three structures, and the new trail, will see plenty of use in this much-loved region of the Ice Age Trail.

To everyone who helped make this event a success, a special thanks to:
- Pat Witkowski and the Waukesha/Milwaukee and Washington/Ozaukee County Chapters for all of their hard work in preparation for this event.
- John O’Neill for his hospitality. It’s not every project we get to camp at a centennial farm!
- Lance, Lisa and Lisa, Sheri, and Sue, for meal preparation and delivery. Feeding three different project sites was a difficult task. Thank you for all of your hard work!
- Rob Wessberg for his support of this project, and for mowing an access trail to the Loew Lake boardwalk site.
The success of these projects was made possible by generous support from the Friends and Family of Spencer Hicks.

66 Volunteers
2,200 Volunteer Hours
377 feet of boardwalk
1/2 mile of loop Trail
Next Up: 2022!
We’re busy putting together the calendar for the 2022 Trailbuilding and Maintenance season. Stay tuned for more details.

See what we did in 2021! 2021 Reconnect Events
Generous Sponsors of the 2021 Mobile Skills Crew Trailbuilding Season include: