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Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day

May 24 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Three volunteers are swallowed up by the dense brush that is being cleared.

Photo by Kevin Kuhlmann

Trail Improvement Day


The Workday: To Be Determined

Work Details:

Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details: To Be Determined



Contact Details:

Watch for last minute weather related information and contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com or 262-490-3515.





Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter