Pack Shakedown and Backpacking Workshop
Jack Lake Gampground N8375 Park Drive, Deerbrook, WI, United StatesWant to learn more about backpacking on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail, meet other backpackers, or shed weight from your pack? If so, join us for this pack shakedown workshop! Date: June 3, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.; workshop followed by social time and dinner. Location: Jack Lake Lodge at Jack Lake Campground, N8375 […]
National Trails Day Hike – Washington/Oz Co Chapter
Pike Lake State Park 3544 Kettle Moraine Rd, Hartford, Wisconsin, United StatesPike Lake Segment Please join us as we partner with the Friends of Pike Lake for their Discovery Day event. As part of that event, and to celebrate National Trails Day, we will offer a guided hike on the Pike Lake Segment of the Ice Age Trail. As we hike the IAT and other trails […]
Sturgeon Bay Urban Historical Hike – Lakeshore Chapter
Otumba Park, Sturgeon Bay 212 W Locust Ct, Sturgeon Bay, WIThe Hike A few gently rising blocks starting at the canal to see the town from a nice vantage point on Madison Avenue. We then cross the storied Steel Bridge to the east side of town to see the downtown area and Martin Park, and come back on the Oregon Street bridge, passing tugboats and […]
Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day
Help build new trail on Waterville Road! The Workday: Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance in completing the corridor clearing for a mile of new trail. This new trail will nearly eliminate all of the connector road walk on busy Waterville Road. Work Details: As always, our Trail Improvement Day will […]
Land Stewardship: Aspen Girdling and Shrub Control, Hickory Hill – Dane County Chapter
Dane, Cross Plains, Anderson Preserve, Hickory Hill 2475 Hickory Hill St, Cross Plains, WI, United StatesPhoto Credit: Brent Sieling *** You MUST contact the posted workday leader listed below to make sure the workday location or details have not changed, as these events are posted in advance. *** Description Having completed our efforts to control and reduce garlic mustard, we now turn to removing re-sprouting brush and other weeds that […]
Dane County Chapter Hike – Table Bluff Segment
Dane, Table Bluff, Scheele Rd. 48CG+HW7, Cross Plains, WI, United StatesPhoto Credit: Black-eyed Susans in full bloom along the Table Bluff Segment of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail by Gary Hegeman. The Hike Come out for a hike on this showcase IAT property! The southern end of this segment was formerly owned and manged by the non-profit Swamplovers, before they donated the land to […]
Trail Improvement, Madison Segment, Dane County
Dane, Madison, University Ridge Golf Course 2FF4+G2, Verona, WIPhoto Credit: Cameron Gillie We're going to do more trail improvement on Monday, June 12 to (hopefully) complete the great work done on Saturday, June 3. What: Clear invasive brush to improve forest health, reveal the area's natural beauty and enhance the hiking experience. When: Monday, June 12, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. June 12 is a […]
Monthly Meeting – Washington/Oz Co Chapter
Riverside Park Pavilion, West Bend 700 East Kilbourn, West Bend, WI, United StatesJoin us for our monthly chapter meeting, held the second Tuesday of all months except July, August, and December. LOCATION: Riverside Park Pavilion, 700 East Kilbourn, West Bend. Click here for driving directions. Watch for yellow “Ice Age Trail Event” signs. GUEST SPEAKER: TBD EXPECTED MEETING AGENDA ITEMS: TBD
Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter: Hartland Walking Club – Monches Segment Hike
WAMI, Monches Segment 5J6V+H2, Hartland, WisconsinThe Hike: Explore the National Ice Age Trail with us! This month we will be hiking part of the Monches Segment near Hartland. We will loop this hike with the nearby Waukesha Park and Rec property and the Oconomowoc River Conservancy. Details: This leisurely-paced hike will be about 3 miles. There are other trails we […]
Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Chapter Meeting
Trecker Lodge at Lapham Peak Park W329 N846 Co. Hwy. C, DelafieldPlease join us for our June meeting. CHAPTER MEETING AGENDA WELCOME BY CHAPTER COORDINATOR, Barb Johnson/John Kolb ➢ Introduction of the Leadership Team ➢ Welcoming of new members and guests GUEST INTRODUCTIONS/COMMENTS ➢Guest Speaker - Cameron Gillie began his photography career as a staff photographer at several daily newspapers. As aphotojournalist he photographed […]