Mothers Day Potawatomi State Park Hike – Lakeshore Chapter

Potawatomi State Park 3740 County Road PD, Sturgeon Bay, WI, United States

The Hike Hikers will meet at the IATA parking lot at the Eastern Terminus of the Ice Age Trail.  The parking lot has a spectacular view of Sawyer Harbor.  It is on the Niagara Escarpment, a massive limestone cliff that runs from Lake Winnebago in east central Wisconsin through Ontario, Canada.  The hike includes hiking […]

Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Family Friendly Trail Improvement Day

WAMI, Waterville Segment XGHX+33, Oconomowoc, WI, United States

  The Workday: Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Family Friendly Trail Improvement Day. We will be clearing invasives from the southern portion of the Waterville Segment. Pulling garlic mustard is a great stewardship activity for all ages! There will be some ”heavier” invasives to clear, as well. […]

Dane County Chapter Hike – Bird Walk, Cross Plains Hickory Hill Conservancy

Dane, Cross Plains, Anderson Preserve, Hickory Hill 2475 Hickory Hill St, Cross Plains, WI, United States

Photo Credit: Emily Meier The Hike Event Details Now is the season and early morning is the time to see and hear migrating and newly-arrived birds of the woodlands, savanna and prairie habitats along the loop in the highlands above Cross Plains.  Binoculars and field guide recommended.  Your leader will help to identify avian friends by both sight and sound. […]

Baraboo / West Baraboo – Ice Age Trail Community Celebration

UW Baraboo Campus Connie Road, Baraboo, WI, United States

Join the Ice Age Trail Alliance and Baraboo Hills/Heritage Chapter for a celebration of our newest Trail Community in Baraboo / West Baraboo and Trail Campus UW Platteville. Saturday, May 20th  9:00 - 11:00 am  UW Platteville Sauk County - Baraboo Campus  Event Details: 9:00 am Community partner and business booths open 9:30 am Celebration […]

Trail Improvement, Madison Segment, Dane County

Dane, Madison, University Ridge Golf Course 2FF4+G2, Verona, WI

Photo Credit: Cameron Gillie You're invited to help us continue trail improvement at University Ridge Golf Course.  If you're not signed up for the Rib Lake MSC, here is an opportunity to do good locally.  Beds of Mayapples, carpets of wild geranium, singing orioles and rose-breasted grosbeaks...though this section has become known for its overgrown […]

Waukesha/Milwaukee Co. Chapter: Hartland Library Presents Photojournalist Cameron Gillie

WAMI, Hartland Library 110 E. Park Ave., Hartland, WI, United States

Next week the Hartland Library will welcome author and photojournalist Cameron Gillie for a presentation on his book, Around Wisco: Hiking the Ice Age Trail! Members of our Chapter will also be there to share information about the Ice Age Trail Communities. Don't miss it! Contact Information: Questions? Contact the Hartland Library at (262) 367-3350.  

Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter Spring Mid-Week Hike: Lakeshore State Park – Milwaukee

The Hike: We will walk the paved trails of Lakeshore State Park and the Milwaukee Lakefront. This 22-acre Wisconsin state park is situated just east of the Summerfest Grounds and immediately south of Discovery World. It is the only urban state park in Wisconsin and features a restored prairie and a pebble beach. Details: Dogs […]

Merrimac Segment – Baraboo Hills Heritage Chapter Hike

The Hike: Come on out for beautiful spring hike on the 3.7-mile Merrimac segment. Hike through meadow, oak savanna, rolling woods, and hopefully see some blooming lupine on the way. Event Details: Tuesday May 30, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. This is an easy level hike. Participants will self-shuttle to the hike start at the Devil's […]