Snow on thistles. Verona Segment, Dane County. Photo by T. Knaack
The crunch of snow underfoot breaks the silence of a stark, white winter landscape. Cold air enters lungs and puffs of warm breath rise like smoke. A First Day Hike on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail is a good way to test your resolve to get outside in the New Year.
Blue Spring Lake Segment, Walworth County. Photo by Chris Munz.
The good news is you can ease into your resolutions by joining like-minded folks who are also choosing to celebrate a new day and a new start with a blood-pumping, welcome-to-2018-hike!
Three First Day Hikes Near You:
Gibraltar Rock Segment, Columbia County, hosted by the Lodi Valley Chapter
Pike Lake Segment, Washington County, hosted by the Washington/Ozaukee County Chapter
Lapham Peak Segment, Waukesha County, hosted by the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter
There are 17 First Day Hikes hosted by Wisconsin State Parks.
First Day Hikes is an initiative begun by America’s State Parks as an effort to get more people outdoors and enjoying their state land for exercise and recreation.