We maintain approximately 50 miles of Ice Age National Trail in Wisconsin. Our area is located in Rusk, Barron, Washburn, and Burnett counties. The Ice Age Trail, one of only eleven National Scenic Trails, is a thousand-mile footpath highlighting Wisconsin’s world-renowned Ice Age heritage and natural resources. The Ice Age Trail Alliance is a non-profit volunteer and member-based organization established in 1958 that works to create, support, and protect the Ice Age Trail.
Our chapter meets 6:30-8:00 p.m. monthly on the third Tuesday at Don Johnson Motors-Rice Lake.
Our chapter holds seasonal hikes, including National Trails Day hikes, snowshoe hikes, bird walks, and the Fall Adventure Weekend. Go to the calendar for details on upcoming events.
Check out our Facebook Page: Superior Lobe Chapter – Ice Age Trail Alliance. We would invite you to share photos of your Superior Lobe Chapter hikes.
We offer the Superior Lobetrotter Award to hikers who register and complete all 48 miles of Ice Age Trail from CTH-F in Rusk County to Lake 32 Rd. in Burnett County. Also, your dog can receive an award. Brochure-Hiking Log[2679].pdf- July 2021 (Print off is below-be sure to set printer settings to print on both sides /flip on the short edge.)
For more information on chapter activities and/or hiking the Ice Age Trail in this region, contact our Chapter Coordinator and Local Director, Sue Greenway, at 612-723-0354, SuperiorLobeChapter@iceagetrail.org or our Trail Coordinator, Bob Held, 715-761-1657, heldharbor@gmail.com.
Shuttle requests can be made through the Chapter email, SuperiorLobeChapter@iceagetrail.org, or contact Bob and Audrey Held, 715-761-1657, heldharbor@gmail.com. The Chapter maintains a list of local volunteers who help with shuttles.
August Events
Thank you to all the people and organizations who dedicated their time to our Trail Community kick-off yesterday at Veterans Park! We are now on the map as one of Wisconsin’s premier destinations for many trail enthusiasts to visit, shop, stay, and play in Rice Lake. Over 60 people came through last night.
Rice Lake Tourism-Brandi Nelson, Rice Lake Chamber of Commerce-Jody Greiner, Out There Nordic-Chris & Bjorn Hanson, Ventures Apparel-Chris Olson, Rice Lake Main Street Association, Rice Lake Chronotype-Travis Nyhus, Barron News-shield, Ice Age Trail Alliance-Amy Lord, Superior Lobe Chapter Coordinator-Sue Greenway, Tim McRaith, Don Erickson, Bob Held & Monty the Mammoth plusvmany more thank you’s to come as they come in!
On behalf of the local Ice Age National Scenic Trail-Superior Lobe Chapter, thank you so much for helping to make this happen!
July Events
Listen in on one our area’s premier national hiking trails and find out about a major trail improvement project taking place nearby.
Sample tasty beer from Agonic Brewery
Bring your stories, enthusiasm, and plans for

May 15 – 19, 2024: Help upgrade the Trail near the popular Murphy Flowage Recreation Area.
Replace deteriorating bridges and boardwalks, refresh the signage, and maintain the tread.
All Talents and Abilities are Welcome!
There’s a role for volunteers of all ages and abilities. And no experience is necessary to participate in MSC events. Friendly Alliance staff and certified volunteer crew leaders provide hands-on training to get you started immediately.
Registration is required at the following link:
April 25, 2024
Join in on a 3-5 mile hike every other week with the Ice Age Trail Hiking Club. Meet up after for apps and drinks.
April 9, 2024
Historic Inga & The Warriors 50th Birkebeiner Trio
March Events
Come Hike with US – Timberland Hills
The Superior Lobe Chapter of the Ice Age Trail will lead a hike on the Ice Age Trail on Saturday
March 23rd starting at 10:00 AM at the Timberland Segment East trailhead three miles NW of
Barronett. Take Hwy 63 North to Brickyard Pottery Rd., Turn west to Leach Lake Rd and North and west to the trailhead. Parking along the road. For questions text, call or email Dale at 715-
645-0234 or dale6@prodigy.net. In and out to the headwaters of the Clam river will be about two- and one-half miles.
February, 2024 Events
Good turnout of 30 hikers. 17 choose the 5 mile, 2 the 1 mile and 11 the 3 mile. Included in the hike were 2 members of the IATA staff. It was a beautiful day with temps in the teens, partly sunny, mulled apple cider, an abundance of snacks and warming campfire. A memorable day for many!
23d Annual Hemlock Creek Snowshoe Hike on the Ice Age Trail
The public is invited to Snowshoe Hike on the Hemlock Creek Segment of the
Ice Age Trail.
This is a fun event to get together with friends and family.
There will be 3 hikes to choose from:
1, 2 or 5 miles.
Date: February 17, 2024 at 1 p.m.
Location: Murphy Flowage County Park
Hiking or snowshoeing. Snowshoes will depend on weather.
Please register to heldharbor@gmail.com or
call or text Bob @ 715-761-1657
January, 2024 Events
Thank you to everyone who participated in this years meeting-approximately 66 people!
Join Superior Lobe’s Ice Age Trail Hiking Club! We will meet every other Thursday to hike a different part of the trail. After, we will go out nearby for a cold beverage and/or a bite to eat!