Walworth/Jefferson County Chapter

Since 1993, the Walworth/Jefferson County Chapter has reached out to residents of Walworth and Jefferson Counties and other nearby communities in southeast Wisconsin and northern Illinois to connect people to the Ice Age Trail.

Our Activities

Our chapter hosts numerous hikes, including popular weekly walks and special interest hikes such as full moon, prairie flower, birding, and National Trails Day hikes. Other activities include an Adopt-a-Segment program, monthly Trail maintenance days, family events and potlucks.

We hold our chapter meetings at 7:00 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Town Bank Community Center, 820 E Genesee St, Delavan, WI. Visit the events calendar for details on upcoming activities.

Kettle Trekker Hiking Award Program

Our Kettle Trekker award program recognizes those who have hiked all Ice Age Trail segments in our chapter’s territory.

Here are the details for how you can join the ranks of Kettle Trekkers: Details and Registration.

Chapter Newsletters

We produce publications to help keep our chapter members and other Ice Age Trail enthusiasts up to date with all the latest happenings. We publish monthly newsletters with chapter meeting notes and announcements on upcoming events.

Weekly Walks

Join us for our weekly walks! They happen year-round on Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Both meet at the Ice Age National Scenic Trail parking lot 4 miles east of Whitewater on US Highway 12. Visit the calendar for details.

Contact Us

For more information on chapter activities and/or hiking the Ice Age Trail in this region, contact our volunteer chapter coordinator:

Andy Whitney
andywhitney1@yahoo.com orĀ WalworthJeffersonCoChapter@iceagetrail.org

Secretary: Eileen Harris
Treasurer: Judy Wildermuth
Publicity: Open position
Trail Maintenance: Jerome Converse
VIP Hours: Ron Nacker
Trail Adoption: Open position

To connect with additional volunteer chapter leaders, email: WalworthJeffersonCoChapter@iceagetrail.org

Fun Ways to Be Involved!

The Walworth Jefferson Chapter offers a variety of ways to be in involved with the Ice Age Trail at the local level. It’s not all Trailbuilding and maintenance. You could manage social media, table at events, lead a hike, take photos, track volunteer hours, and more.

To share your talents with the trail, contact us at WalworthJeffersonCoChapter@iceagetrail.org.