Chapter News and Upcoming Events

The Waushara County Chapter’s mission is to help create, support and protect the Ice Age National Scenic Trail within Waushara County.
Our chapter’s membership consists of approximately 80-90 individuals and families. Visit the events calendar to see the activities we have planned along the Trail. Among many other responsibilities, volunteers work hard to maintain 23 designated miles of the Ice Age Trail divided between 6 segments:
- Chaffee Creek Segment
- Wedde Creek Segment
- Mecan River Segment
- Greenwood Wildlife Segment
- Bohn Lake Segment
- Deerfield Segment
Trail work got started in Waushara County in the mid-1970s by Joe Mills, who referred to the project as the “Nature Trail.” Paul Walker continued the efforts during the 1980s. The current chapter was founded in the late 1990s by Tom Pintar.

Trail Angels
For shuttles in this region, please contact our volunteer Trail Angels at least one week in advance:
Susie & Phil Stenz
Home: 920-787-7921
Cell/SMS: 920-213-7169
Jim Gilmour
Cell/SMS: 920-366-4976
Karen Bauer
Home: 920-647-6164

Waushara County IATA Board Members
Chapter Coordinator: Carl Mesman
Vice Coordinator, Chairperson, Publicity: AJ McCaskey
Trail Coordinator: Mike Smaby
Treasurer: Cheryl Flyte
Secretary: Diane Lueck
Membership: Mary Smaby
Member at Large:
Lyle Buettner
Kathy Kehl
Phil Stenz
Happy Trails