Photo by: Justin Helmkamp

Member & Volunteer Resources

We’re committed to connecting both our members and dedicated volunteers with important pieces of information. We like to keep our VIPs, like you, in the loop!

We're Better Together!

The Alliance enjoys a robust and thriving membership because committed supporters share our vision. Without your generous financial contributions, or your profound volunteer spirit, the Ice Age National Scenic Trail would be nothing more than a line on a map!

Thank you for helping us bring the collective dream into reality.

Volunteer Resource Center

We’re committed to connecting our volunteers, with the information you need to support your dedication to, and efforts on behalf of, the Ice Age Trail.

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Volunteer Resource Center

Photo by Rachel Roberts.


The Ice Age National Scenic Trail is built, supported, and maintained by the Ice Age Trail Alliance (IATA) and hundreds of passionate volunteers, like you! Each year volunteers donate thousands of hours of time to care for the Trail, lead hikes and field trips, and connect with communities near the Trail.

All volunteers must complete (and renew annually) the Volunteer Services Agreement Form. Send the completed form (along with any questions) to the National Park Service (

Volunteering as a group? Volunteer Services Agreement Form (301B) instructions: The group leader will fill out the 301A for themselves (checking the box at the top right that it will be a Group signup), and then the rest of the group fills out their info on an attached Group Roster (301B). Questions? Email Dan Watson, (

Download one of these Volunteer Individual Hours Logs in Word or Excel.

Record your volunteer activity and the time you spent. Once the form is filled out, at the end of each quarter (i.e. end of June, Sept, Dec, March), you can send the form to your chapter’s leadership. Connect with your chapter leadership to learn to whom you should send your completed log.

Chainsaw certified volunteers – sawyers – and the volunteers who directly assist them by removing downed branches and brush – swampers – are uniquely qualified to assist the Ice Age Trail Alliance with Habitat Management events, corridor clearing, storm damage clean up, and more.

Learn more about becoming a sawyer or swamper.

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Volunteer Resource Center

Photo by Cameron Gillie.


Welcome to chapter leadership! We aim to provide you with the resources you’ll need to efficiently and effectively run your chapter.

Download the Quarterly Chapter Volunteer Hours Report in Word or Excel

Download the Individual Hours Log in Word or Excel

Download the Event Sign-In Sheet in Word

The Annual Conference & Membership Meeting is a great way to bring everyone together under the Ice Age Trail Alliance umbrella for four days of laughs and learning. Join us!

For more details and to register: 2025 Annual Conference

Each year we celebrate all the time, energy, and effort our volunteers put into making our organization what it is.

Visit the Awards page to see lists of current and past winners of our most prestigious awards!

Visit the Award Nominations page for information on how to nominate a deserving volunteer in our midst!

Download the IATA Chapter Financial Reporting Guidelines [PDF]

Download the IATA Chapter Reporting Checklist [Word]

Download the IATA Chapter Monthly Financial Summary Template in Word or Excel

Download the IATA Chapter Annual Budget Template [MS Excel]

Essential information about the Ice Age Trail Alliance can be found here:

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Volunteer Resource Center

Photo by Cameron Gillie.


As one of the world-renowned trailbuilding organizations, the craft of sustainable trail layout, design, and construction is at the forefront of our organizational efforts.

Visit our Ice Age Trail Crew page.

Key Documents to Help You Get Started:

National Park Service Volunteers In Park (VIP) Resources Include:

  • Volunteer Safety Handbook includes important information about safety, the safe use of tools and equipment, and injury reporting instructions.
  • NPS Occupational Safety and Health Plan is a required document for all National Park sites.
  • 301A Volunteer Agreement Form is for use by Chapter Leaders to sign up individuals and groups as official NPS VIP’s if they are not already listed on a group form with the Chapter.
  • 301B Volunteer Group Roster should be used in conjunction with Form 301A when registering groups.
  • Job Description Library is provided for Chapter Leaders to print out and attach it to the 301A Agreement Form. This will reduce the time it takes to generate the final Agreement Form.
  • Job Hazard Analysis provides volunteers with an important list of potential hazards and safety procedures related to their assigned tasks.
  • Tailgate Safety Series includes these topics: Chainsaws, Driving, General Hiking, HAZMA Encounters, Heat Disorders, Hike Leader, Hydration, Hypothermia, Insects/Snakes/Animals, Lyme Disease, Thunderstorms, Violent Encounters

Learn more about how to provide quality project support:

Find and download the Group Volunteer Agreement form here [PDF].

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Volunteer Resource Center

Photo by Dave Caliebe.


We strive to create a safe working environment for our volunteers by providing quality trainings and useful resource materials.

COVID-19 still presents concerns as we return to our tasks on the Trail, but with proper education and risk mitigation, safe volunteer operations are possible.

We’re excited to have you join us, however, please know the symptoms of the coronavirus and be prepared to STAY HOME if you exhibit any of them. Please visit the CDC website and view the symptoms listed there. Consider using the Self-Checker, an interactive guide, located mid-way down the page, which can help you make your decision. Go there now.

Please familiarize yourself with the content of these three documents:

Learn more about the steps it takes to become a chainsaw certified sawyer for the Ice Age Trail Alliance.

Visit: Calling All Sawyers and Swampers

Download the IATA’s First Aid Kit Inventory [PDF].

“Lessons Learned” is a proven method of sharing important safety messages. Based upon real-life incidents, Lessons Learned examines root causes of why an accident or injury happened, and identifies corrective actions or mitigation to reduce the chance of future accidents.

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Trail Safe logo







TRAIL SAFE! is a unique safety training program designed specifically for National Park Service (NPS) Trail Volunteers, but is useful to everyone!

Watch the Trail Safe video series here.

Lesson include the following topics:

Trail Safe Lesson 1 – Introduction
Trail Safe Lesson 2 – Effective Leadership
Trail Safe Lesson 3 – Error & Accident Causation
Trail Safe Lesson 4 – Mission Analysis
Trails Safe Lesson 5 – Stress & Performance
Trails Safe Lesson 5 – Stress & Performance
Trail Safe Lesson 6 – Situational Awareness
Trail Safe Lesson 7 – Decision Making

Download the Near Miss and Injury Report Form 

In the event of a near miss or injury during an Ice Age Trail Alliance work event or project, the following information must be provided by a Crew Leader Manager to the National Park Service contact listed below.

Submit information as soon as possible to:
Dan Watson, National Park Service
Email or call 715-441-7717

The National Park Service (NPS): Volunteers in Parks (VIP) Safety Handbook for Ice Age National Scenic Trail volunteers

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Volunteer Resource Center-Land-Stewardship

Photo by Rachel Roberts.


The Ice Age Trail is not yet complete. One step in completing the Trail, and one of our goals, is permanently protecting the land which hosts the Trail.

Learn more about our land protection efforts here.

Permanent protection of the Ice Age Trail also involves the responsible management of land that we own or on which we hold easements.

Learn more about our land management practices here.

Information about how the IATA marks property boundaries can be found here [PDF].

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Volunteer Resource Center-Outreach

Photo by Amy Lord.


There are many ways to connect with future Ice Age Trail enthusiasts, everything from staffing expo booths to leading guided hikes. Once the connection is made, your enthusiasm is the conduit to a captivating experience and the Ice Age National Scenic Trail simply speaks for itself.

IATA Website (and Event Calendar module) User Guide [PDF] for the chapter leader responsible for updating its chapter’s web page or populating events on the IATA Event calendar. (User Guide PDF updated 10/2021)

Event Calendar (and chapter webpages) Training (slideshow presentation June 10, 2021) [PDF]

Step-by-Step How-To for Posting Events to the IATA Event Calendar [VIDEO]

Chapter Guidelines for Creating Website Content [PDF] contains tips for what to post on your chapter’s webpage.

Facebook Training Materials: May 6, 2021

Facebook Training and Discussion Slides (PowerPoint PDF)

Facebook Training: Supplemental Support for Consistency & Formatting (PDF)

Facebook Training: Zoom presentation

Topics Covered:

  • Establishing Consistency
  • Pros and Cons of Pages and Groups
  • Generating Content & Re-Sharing

Canva is an easy-to-use graphic design program. You may use it to create posters, flyers, newsletters, social media posts, and videos. To make these assets, you may create original designs or use one of the thousands of templates Canva offers. The following resources will help you get started:

Using the Canva Pro Account for Volunteer Chapters_Step-by-Step Instructions

Using Canva to Promote Chapter Events [ Presentation slide deck PDF]

Demonstration of Basic Canva Features [Video]

Demonstration of QR Codes [Video]

Canva Library of Video Tutorials [Link to videos]

Designing a poster or hiking patch? Here is the IATA Brand Guidelines [PDF] document to help ensure your color choices match the approved shade of blue, yellow, and brown!

Download artwork (via a Dropbox link) from Celtic, the IATA’s graphic design company for use as posters or kiosk images.

Need photos for posters or flyers? Look through these (via a Dropbox link). Please remember to credit the photographer! Also, images taken of particular segments may be available in the IATA photo library. Email; she’ll take a look to see what’s available.

Download IATA logos (via a Dropbox link) for use on posters, brochures, or social media posts.

Chapter Photos (Dropbox links):

Dane County Segments

Central Moraines Chapter Segments

Additional resources coming soon!

Explore these games and activities that help get and keep kids engaged while out for a hike.

Additional resources coming soon!

The Ice Age Trail Community program is a symbiotic relationship between the Ice Age Trail Alliance and local Wisconsin communities. It aims to enhance awareness of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail, improve the quality of life for residents and visitors, and promote the natural and cultural heritage of Wisconsin along the Ice Age Trail. Our Trail Communities are hiker destinations for Trail enthusiasts. Make plans to visit these communities and show your support for local businesses, partners, and organizations.

View an interactive map of our Ice Age Trail Communities.

Additional resources coming soon!

Learn more about our awarding Youth and Education program, Saunters and our NPS supported initiative, Think Outside

View an interactive summary of our 2019 successes here.

Connect with IATA Staff

Please call us at the main IATA phone number: 608-798-4453.

We’ll happily direct your call to the appropriate person. However, you may also connect directly with a specific individual, simply dial their extension when prompted (see list below). Sending us an email is great, too!

For a detailed description of what everyone does, go here.

Luke Kloberdanz, Executive Director,, ext. 226

Dave Caliebe, Trail Program Manager,, cell: 715-577-8954

Sarah Driscoll, Institutional Giving Manager,, ext. 227

Chad DuChateau, Director of Trail Operations,, ext. 239

Riley Dupee, Field Operations Specialist,, ext. 241, cell: 608-617-2326

Joanne Ellarson, Administrative Assistant,, ext. 229

Claire Finucane, Property Steward,, ext. 238

Patrick Gleissner, Trail Operations Coordinator,, cell: 414-416-2317

Maura Hanley, Digital Marketing Specialist,, ext. 221

Amy Lord, Outreach & Education Manager,, ext. 233

Miranda Murphy, Operations Assistant,, ext. 246

Sarah Pearce, Saunters Project Coordinator,, ext. 240

Steve Pence, Land Restoration Specialist,, ext. 225

Melissa Pierick, Director of Marketing and Community Relations,, ext. 223

Chris Russell, Restoration Technician,

Eric Sherman, Membership Coordinator,, ext. 230

Lisa Szela, Volunteer Support Coordinator,, ext. 232

Tiffany Stram, GIS Coordinator,, ext. 231

Kevin Thusius, Senior Director of Land Conservation,, ext. 224

Lysianne Unruh, Communications Manager,, ext. 228