Fresh spring energy unleased in May wove its way through 2,539 volunteer hours and materialized into recognizable magic in the geologic “Landscape Crossroads” of Marathon County.
Join us as Trail friends continue to shape tread and bring boulders to rest in retaining walls. This renewed August effort will open 1.7 miles of brand new trail.
What We’re Doing
We’re taking the final step in opening a transformational trail reroute for use between Highway 29/Mountain Bay Trail and Poplar Lane.
With your help, this event will culminate in the official opening of 1.7 miles of brand new and much improved trail! We may also be able to get a jump on Phase II of the “Landscape Crossroads” by corridor clearing portions of the additional 5 miles of flag line to get on solid footing for 2018.
All Abilities and Talents Welcome
As with all Mobile Skills Crew events, no experience is necessary and there’s a role for volunteers of all ages and abilities…bring the whole family!
Training is provided by certified volunteer crew leaders and all participants get free meals and (for those working with us for multiple days) a free place to pitch a tent.
To help us plan this event with your needs in mind, please visit our online registration page and register by Monday, July 31st.
Your participation is welcome for any part of the event or the entire week.
Work begins on Wednesday, August 9th and concludes Sunday, August 13th. Trail stewardship activities begin each day around 8:00 a.m. and typically wrap up between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. each day except for Sunday where the work ends at noon.
Project Team members will be on site by Tuesday; if you are interested in arriving early, please call Special Projects Coordinator, Brad Crary at 262-370-2995.
Checking In at Base Camp
Volunteers should report each day to Base Camp for registration, assignments and shuttles to the work site. Project Area Map [PDF]
Base Camp (also the location of the camping area for those spending a night with us) is at R7400 Duncan Road, Hatley, WI (click here for driving directions). Watch for yellow “Ice Age Trail Event” signs as you arrive in the area. Morning and evening meals will be served here and lunch will be in the field.
If you’re in need of a ride or have an extra seat or two in your car, please head to our Facebook Ringle Segment Event page and post a note.
What to Bring
Dress for variable weather — even in August extra layers for warmth is advised.
Bring sturdy hiking or work boots (no tennis shoes) and leather work gloves. A long-sleeve shirt and pants are recommended for trail work; mud boots, if you have them, may come in handy.
Bring a day pack, water bottles, sunscreen and a hat.
If camping, bring a headlamp, tent, sleeping gear and toiletries. Bring a lawn chair; you’ll appreciate having it to relax around the fire in comfortable clothes at the end of the day.
Ticks or black flies may be numerous so bring your preferred insect and tick repellant.
Please contact Brad Crary (262-370-2995) or the IATA office (800-227-0046).
We hope to see you soon!
Happy Trails,
The Ringle Segment MSC Project Team