Thank you to the 70 volunteers who gave 1,206 hours to accomplish an audacious feat – setting boardwalk supports through three feet of ice and frigid water!
WOW! To say the Holy Hill Segment boardwalk build was a success would be a drastic understatement. Ideal conditions prevailed during the February 5 – 8 Mobile Skills Crew event. Winter temperatures ranged between 13 and 30 degrees along with snow-free and dry condition. No more than an occasional light wind blew across the open expanse. 70 volunteers gave 1,206 hours to accomplish an audacious feat – setting boardwalk supports through three feet of ice and frigid water. This is a first for the Alliance and a notable success nationally.
Thank you to our volunteers keeping the faith, their willingness to try new techniques, for embracing change, and for problem solving on the fly.
As Saturday’s work morphed into evening Rendezvous festivities, a final look back revealed a fully decked, toned and muscular 332 feet of elevated boardwalk standing tall and proud. Locally led work events will continue progress at Waterford Road while ice depth holds – stay tuned for email announcements.
A Special THANKS To:

- Mark Muellenbach for organizing meals and the Washington/Ozaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for 3 years of patient, unwavering support.
- Trail host Paul Held for providing access through his property; plowing a road through his cornfield to bring lumber and steel, tools and equipment to the work site; and, as he did 30 years ago, helping throughout the event.
- Neighboring Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance volunteers for stepping up big time to help a neighboring chapter.
- Rob Wessberg and his staff at the Pike Lake Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest for use of a heated work station and help loading trailers.
- Eric Hyde and the Washington County Parks Department for a great (and discounted) base camp location.
- East Side Lumber in Hartford and Custom Manufacturing in Clinton
- for superb service and quality materials.
- GIS School students for continuing the work their former classmates began two years ago, and UW-Platteville for student engineering assistance.
- Don Neuburg for allowing us to store materials at his farm – no questions asked or timeline necessary – and providing a skid loader when needed.
- And, a special shout-out to Gary Witkowski, Glenn Ritz, and Rich Propp for 360 design and how-to insights.

Generous Sponsors of the 2020 Mobile Skills Crew Trailbuilding Season include:
Sitka Salmon Shares is offering all Ice Age Trail enthusiasts and trailbuilders a $25.00 discount on your purchase of a salmon or seafood share. They’ll donate $25.00 to our award-winning Mobile Skills Crew program.
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