Photo Credit: Rachel Roberts
Staff and Headquarters Information
The Ice Age Trail Alliance staff works to conserve, create, maintain, and promote the Ice Age National Scenic Trail.
In collaboration with our many partners, we envision a premier, continuous, permanently protected Ice Age National Scenic Trail.

Please Visit Us!
Our office, located at 2110 Main Street, is right on the Ice Age Trail as it travels through downtown Cross Plains, 30 minutes west of Madison.
Regular office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Luke Kloberdanz, Executive Director & CEO
Luke manages, plans, directs, administers, and evaluates all components of Ice Age Trail Alliance programs, staff, and volunteers.
Fun Facts:
- Coming soon

Please Contact Us.
Ice Age Trail Alliance
P.O. Box 128
Cross Plains, WI 53528
Phone: (800) 227-0046 or (608) 798-4453
Fax: (608) 798-4460

Kevin Thusius, Senior Director of Land Conservation
Kevin sets strategic direction for land acquisitions and conservation, oversees the Habitat Improvement Program, easements, and Alliance-owned preserves, and leads the Alliance’s advocacy efforts.
Fun Facts:
- First conservation job involved canoeing 100 miles of the Milwaukee River – a pretty cool gig!
- Published author of 6 scientific papers in esteemed journals such as Behavioral Ecology, on topics like vocalizations in ruby-throated hummingbirds and breeding synchrony in the common yellowthroat.
- Has played soccer multiple times a week for the last 45 years.

Chad DuChateau, Director of Trail Operations
Chad manages the Trail Program and is responsible for the planning and development of the Ice Age Trail.
Fun Facts:
- Was a Peace Corps Volunteer on the South Pacific island of Vanuatu. He worked with the country’s Department of Forestry and immersed himself in the culture, cuisine, jungle, and beaches.
- Spent a year as a Traveling Trainer with Leave No Trace, logging 35,000 miles in a Subaru and “working” in great places like Acadia, Everglades, and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks.
- Because of the above experiences, he regularly seeks out travel adventures with his wife and daughter, whether it be locally or beyond.

Bix Firer, Director of Philanthropy
Bix designs, implements, and manages the philanthropic efforts of the Alliance.
Fun Facts:

Melissa Pierick, Director of Marketing and Community Relations
Melissa plans and implements the Alliance’s marketing strategies, oversees communications, and engages in community relations.
Fun Facts:
- Friends and family consider Melissa the world’s biggest U2 fan. But, despite going to concerts on every tour since 1992, being a staff writer on a U2 fan site, and having Bono (the lead singer) roll down his window to say “hello” to her, she knows her fandom pales in comparison to others.
- While in Gabon, in Central Africa, Melissa was charged by an elephant, inches away from a scorpion, and saw a family of chimpanzees—all on the same truck ride.
- The outcome of a hockey game dictated her 2019 Spring Break plans. Instead of going to Florida, Melissa and her daughters (and nephew who was tagging along) changed course and drove 17 hours to Hamden, CT to watch the UW Badgers women’s hockey team win the National Championship game! Go Badgers.

Dave Caliebe, Trail Program Manager
Dave works collaboratively with staff, volunteers, government agencies, and private partners to increase the Alliance’s capacity to construct and maintain the Ice Age Trail.
Fun Facts:
- For four years he hosted a Bluegrass radio show. The highlight of the last show was his interview with the Steep Canyon Rangers who went on to win a Grammy for best Bluegrass album in 2012.
- Grew out his beard for a year for the sole intent of impersonating John Muir, “Father of Our National Park System”, as part of the National Park Service’s centennial celebration at John Muir’s boyhood home.
- He has slept outside at least once a month from April 2011- January 2017.

Sarah Driscoll, Institutional Giving Manager
Sarah oversees funding from foundations, government, and corporate partners.
Fun Facts:
- She spent a summer studying in Australia’s rainforest where she checked her boots for hand-sized spiders and sleeping bag for venomous snakes.
- As a former zookeeper and wildlife rehabilitator, she’s cared for everything from bald eagles to sea otters to lemurs (including the real life Zoboomafoo).
- When Sarah’s not hiking in pursuit of her Thousand-Miler quest, she camps and fishes with her husband, plays volleyball, and expands her photography skills.

Riley Dupee, Field Operations Specialist
Riley participates in Trail construction and maintenance projects as well as land stewardship projects.
Fun Facts:
- She is the eldest of “an absurd number” of siblings.
- Unnaturally good at rock, paper, scissors.
- Once talked a crew of US Army Firefighters into letting her fire the rooftop water turret on their fire truck. Alas, they didn’t let her drive the fire truck.

Joanne Ellarson, Administrative Assistant
Joanne maintains financial records, processes accounts payable and receivable, and ships merchandise.
Fun Facts:
- Relishes the challenge of dropping big trees with her chain saw certification skills, consequently inspiring the song “She’s a Chain-Sawing Woman in Love with a Tree-Hugging Man.”
- Often, you can find her, on the weekends, tending to the robust prairie plantings at the IATA headquarters.
- A seamstress since she was ten, she won a blue-ribbon in 4-H for an outfit featuring the height of 70’s era style: flowing sleeves and bell-bottom pants.

Claire Finucane, Property Steward
Claire manages and maintains Alliance-held properties by writing management plans, overseeing the property monitoring program, and enforcing easement terms.
Fun Facts:
- Claire loves swimming in lakes, even though as a child she was terrified of fish and weeds.
- During the summer 2019, she lived in Grand Teton National Park and worked on a field crew with the Turner Lab from UW-Madison. Claire encountered moose, bison, bear, elk, and pronghorn antelope who were a bit too interested in the lab’s research methods.
- She recently took on her fear of heights and is learning to rock climb.

Patrick Gleissner, Trail Operations Coordinator
Patrick coordinates volunteers at Alliance-sponsored trailbuilding events and provides support to local chapters.
Fun Facts:
- Has a Bachelor of Science in Sociology, and though he doesn’t necessarily ‘use’ the degree in a straightforward sense, it shapes how he views the world and his understanding of group dynamics.
- Dabbles in woodworking and reckons he has created a piece of furniture for every room in his house.

Maura Hanley, Digital Marketing Specialist
Maura implements, oversees, and optimizes digital marketing initiatives related to the Trail and Alliance, volunteer chapters/activities, membership, fundraising, and merchandise.
Fun Facts:
- Maura’s favorite bird (and animal) is a blue jay. She likes them so much she even has a tattoo of one.
- She’s made a viral TikTok (an accomplishment she’s very proud of).
- Her current hype song is “The Spins” by Mac Miller.

Adam Larson, Field Technician at Swamplovers Preserve
Adam assists with vegetative restoration at the Alliance-owned SwampLovers Preserve in Dane County.
Fun Facts:
- He had a staring contest with a black bear (and won).
- He has artwork on display in five different countries.
- He had seven wisdom teeth!
More info coming soon…

Amy Lord, Outreach and Education Manager
Amy promotes the Trail and the Alliance by hosting outreach events. She engages new and existing members and volunteers, and develops Trail-based educational opportunities.
Fun Facts:
- Amy’s a farm kid from southwest Wisconsin who grew up raising and showing black Angus cattle; back-to-back Grand Champions at the Richland County Fair in 1994 & 1995 (yes, that is a long time ago).
- She operates a vacation rental farmhouse in Richland County adjacent from her parent’s farm just outside of Gotham where families can get away and enjoy life in the country.
- Her vacations revolve around fishing, hiking, and live music, like a memorable trip to Rocky Mountain National Park and Estes Park where besides hiking, she and her husband made sure to see Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers at Red Rocks in Denver.

Miranda Murphy, Operations Assistant
Miranda assists with Alliance operations and provides comprehensive IT support to Alliance staff.
Fun Facts:
- As a former pit orchestra member, Miranda once had to learn how to play two different kinds of clarinets for a show.
- She has three dogs! A small poodle, a small terrier, and medium-sized cattle-dog mix.
- Much to the displeasure of those with whom she plays UNO, Miranda enjoys the uncanny luck (ability?) of winning most of the games.

Steve Pence, Land Restoration Specialist
Steve manages the Alliance’s Habitat Improvement Program by executing management plans and developing conservation-minded volunteers for project assistance.
Fun Facts:
- Moved nine times in five years and was technically homeless for six months (sleeping on his now-wife’s couch) while chasing fun, new jobs in the beginning of his career.
- He once took a trip to Washington, D.C. – the only trip he’s been on not involving outdoor recreation as its main focus.
- The worst sunburn he’s ever experienced, he got in the middle of February.

Chris Russell, Restoration Technician
Chris assists the Alliance’s Habitat Improvement Program with ecological management and invasive species control along the Trail.
Fun Facts:
- Began working at the Swamplover’s Preserve his Junior year of High School.
- Enjoys hunting, fishing, and 4-wheeling.
- Likes to spend time up north at his family’s cabin and lake house.

Eric Sherman, Membership Coordinator
Eric manages the Alliance’s customer relationship management (CRM) database system, administers the Alliance’s membership program, and contributes stories and photos about life on the Ice Age Trail.
Fun Facts:
- On the strength of thank-you letters, monthly membership renewal notices, and guidebook drafts, Eric is the Alliance’s all-time leader in total pages printed on the office copier.
- As overseer of the Alliance’s constituency database, Eric has a semi-creepy ability to recall street and email addresses of Alliance members. He knows off the top of his head zip codes for most Wisconsin communities. He rues the fact that so much brain space is taken up by this information.
- After being intimately involved with five rounds of book revisions (2006, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017) while simultaneously not hiking the Ice Age Trail all that much, Eric has the widest discrepancy of anyone in “virtual” vs. “actual” knowledge of the Trail. He’s the Three-Hundred-Miler who talks like a Thousand-Miler.

Lisa Szela, Volunteer Support Coordinator
Lisa is the initial point of contact for Alliance volunteers.
Fun Facts:
- Worked for her county’s highway department, for two summers, driving one of those big orange street sweepers you see out on the road during construction season (it had a not-so-impressive maximum speed of about 35 mph).
- In fourth grade, won the contest to design her elementary school’s logo- the Sunnyside Comet.
- Longest backpacking trip to date was a two-week, 200+ mile trek across Northern Wisconsin from the Michigan to Minnesota border- it was also her first-ever solo backpacking adventure! Her trail name is “Clammy Tammy” and you can ask her how she got that name if you meet her…but it’s not that great of a story.

Tiffany Stram, GIS Coordinator
Tiffany manages the Alliance’s GIS database.
Fun Facts:
- Tiffany followed in the footsteps of the main character, Maria, in The Sound of Music (favorite movie), and frolicked in the alpine meadows of the Alps (though she was in Switzerland and not Austria). Yes, there were ticks…
- She was a caddie for 5 years in her younger days – great summer job! – and attended college on a caddie scholarship (Evans Scholarship).
- Led the charge to obtain GPS data for all off-road, non rail-trail, sections of IAT and now we now have GPS data for all sections of the Trail.

Lysianne Unruh, Communications Manager
Lysianne promotes the Trail and Alliance activities through print-based and digital platforms to a wide audience.
Fun Facts:
- She adores trail running, road and mountain biking, and thinks a day-hike on the Ice Age Trail is a great way to spend a Saturday.
- The simplicity of hiking has led to many adventures: treks in the Alps, the Dolomites, and Monte Fitz Roy, to name a few.
- She once was a main stage runner at the Bonnaroo music festival where post-performance, she transported, via golf cart, recordings to the sound trailer for editing.

Kathy Waldera, Saunters Project Coordinator
Kathy coordinates Think Outside, a National Park Service grant-funded initiative, including educator communications, pre-hike presentations, and field-experience hikes.
Fun Facts:
Coming soon!