Share your love of the Trail as you drive in your car. Get your Ice Age Trail Alliance license plates, now available to order through the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles. (Wisconsin residents only.)
To order your plates, simply fill out the personalized plate form and return it, along with payment to:
Special Plates Unit
PO Box 7911
Madison, WI 53707-7911
The form can also be found at the DMV website.
Every Plate Supports the Trail
Your purchase of Ice Age Trail Alliance license plates includes a $25 tax-deductible donation to the Ice Age Trail Alliance! This donation will automatically be made each year when you renew your plates.
Personalize It!
For just $15 more/year, you can customize your Ice Age Trail plates. So get creative, you can have up to six characters on your Ice Age Trail plate.
Check to see if your personalization idea is available.
Thank you for supporting the Ice Age Trail Alliance and we look forward to seeing vehicles sporting our license plate!