What is a Trail Community?
The Ice Age Trail Alliance’s Trail Communities program is designed as a symbiotic relationship between the Ice Age Trail Alliance (IATA) and communities near the Trail which enhances awareness of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail (IANST) and improves the quality of life in communities throughout Wisconsin. Initially, a Trail Community will be defined as a community with the IANST going directly through it, is part of a school district and has had a partnership with the IATA. Future definitions of a Trail Community may expand to include broader regions. This program will formalize existing partnerships as well as establish a template that can be used to build partnerships in the future.
Discover Our Trail Communities, Here.
The Application Process
Criteria – A strong community application will include the following:
- An application committee comprised of elected officials, Chamber of Commerce/Tourism Council (or related group), businesses and local Ice Age Trail Alliance chapter representatives
- Community support for the Ice Age Trail and Ice Age Trail Alliance is evident
- Language for the protection of the Ice Age Trail is included in local land use plans, planning tools, ordinances, and/or guidelines; or demonstrate support to amend change or add to such plans
- Involvement with the Ice Age Trail Alliance or Ice Age Trail with a local school including participation, or willingness to participate in, a Saunters program or service-learning event
- Willingness to host a volunteer-based event such as a Mobile Skills Crew event, local chapter hike(s) or trailwide events
- Provide a one-time application fee of $2,500 to the Ice Age Trail Alliance
(download the Memorandum of Understanding)
To find out more about Trail Communities, please contact Outreach and Education Manager, Amy Lord at amy@iceagetrail.org or (608) 798-4453, x-233.