Intense Heat Fails to Wilt Good Spirits

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Ice Age Trail, Storrs Lake MSC, Rock County, Rock County Chapter, MSC event 2023
A team of MSC volunteers build an 856-foot boardwalk in blistering heat. Photo by Riley Dupee.

Storrs Lake Segment MSC
June 21-25, 2023

To combat the intense 90-plus-degree heat, project hosts – the Rock County Chapter – provided buckets of iced beverages and handed out cooling towels to each participant. Small pop-up tents offered important (but minimal!) shade during lunch breaks. And crews guzzled gallons of Gatorade.

Nonetheless, 51 stalwart volunteers donated 1,181 service hours to build an 856-foot boardwalk during the 5-day MSC project.

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, MSC, Storrs Lake Segment, Rock County Chapter
Photo by Patrick Gleissner.
Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Rock County Chapter, Storrs Lake Segment, MSC 2023
Photo by Patrick Gleissner.

Sweltering temperatures and congenial volunteers welcomed MSC newcomers like Mayor Anissa Welch of Milton, an Ice Age Trail Community. An avid hiker, she relished the opportunity to learn more about trailbuilding. Representative Scott L. Johnson, Assembly District 33, didn’t let the heat dampen his enthusiasm either. He joined a crew setting frames and screwing down deck boards.

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age Trail, MSC 2023, Rock County Chapter, Storrs Lake Segment
Volunteers take a well-deserved break under the shade of a small pop-up tent. Photo by Patrick Gleissner.

Our volunteers are kind and generous people, but they were especially thoughtful throughout this project,” said Riley Dupee, Field Operations Specialist for the Alliance. “Crew leaders made sure their teams took plenty of breaks while crew members checked in with each other, ensuring everyone was drinking enough water.

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Ice Age Trail, Storrs Lake Segment, MSC 2023
The 856-foot boardwalk is complete! Photo by Patrick Gleissner.

Project Outcomes:  

  • 51 volunteers donated 1,181 service hours.
  • An 856-foot boardwalk will now keep boots dry along the segment.
  • Volunteers stayed healthy and hydrated despite the heat!
Photo by Patrick Gleissner.
Photo by Patrick Gleissner.
Photo by Patrick Gleissner.
Photo by Patrick Gleissner.

Special thanks to:

  • The Rock County Chapter members (and friends from nearby chapters) for their pre-project frame-building event on Tuesday, June 20; refreshing cold lunches; ice, cooling towels, and Gatorade.
  • Dave Keber for the use of his property for lumber staging.
  • Mike and Jen Soergel for the use of their driveway to access the staged lumber.
  • Annissa Welch, Mayor of Milton, and Representative Scott L. Johnson, Assembly District 33, for their interest in and support of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail.
  • Skip and Wendy Drew for letting us turn their property into the project’s base camp: pitching tents and using their kitchen for cooking an evening meal. (Skip was instrumental in the creation of the Storrs Lake Segment.)
  • The Gathering Place for providing a fantastic venue, out of the heat, for an evening meal.


The National Park Service through its Connect Trails to Parks Fund for funding boardwalk materials.

Up Next:

IAT-U: Trail Skills, John Muir Park Segment, Marquette County
July 12 – 16, 2023

Learn new skills from experienced staff and trained volunteers. Ice Age Trail University (IAT-U) classes will include boardwalk construction, trail maintenance basics, and the ins and outs of blazing. Courses have attendee limits.

Learn more and register today.

Iola Ski Hill Segment
August 9 – 13, 2023

Help complete last year’s reroute efforts and open a new section of Trail!

Learn more and register today.

See our full schedule of upcoming events, here.