Permanently Protect Pristine Prairie

The Ice Age Trail Alliance has an incredible opportunity to protect a gorgeous 106-acre property: hummocky terrain, majestic oaks, and a serene pond. Located in Marquette County, it is home to a large population of the federally endangered Karner blue butterfly. The remnant prairie, painstakingly restored (over 30 years!) by the current owners, now boasts acres of lupine, the butterfly’s host plant.

You Can Protect Pristine Prairie

Help the Ice Age Trail Alliance raise $575,000 before August 31 to permanently protect this pristine prairie and support its ongoing habitat management.

The first $175,000 donated will be matched by Prairie Springs: The Paul Fleckenstein Trust!

Your donation will help:

• Add nearly one mile of Trail in Marquette County along the eastern bifurcation
• Create a destination segment, offering an unmatched experience for hikers
• Develop a much-needed dispersed camping area along a 40-mile road walk
• Protect Karner blue butterfly habitat

This property is the start of more Trail development in Marquette County. Donate now. Help create a “destination” segment along the eastern branch of the bifurcation!

Donate Now – Double Your Impact!

Every dollar donated before August 31 will be matched (up to $175,000) by Prairie Springs: The Paul Fleckenstein Trust. Your donation, in any amount, will go twice as far!

Your donation is tax deductible. And remember: it will be doubled!

Any amount is appreciated. Every gift matters.