A father and his sons enjoy a day out on the Ice Age Trail. Photo by Nikki Gamble.
Help Protect More Ice Age Trail!
If you have a favorite segment along the Trail, there’s a good chance Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program funding played a crucial role in its existence.
Time is of the Essence!
The Joint Finance Committee (JFC) is debating the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program THIS week – June 10th.
Please EMAIL or even better, CALL your elected officials. Remind them how important Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program is to the future of Wisconsin. Ask them to call members of the JFC and emphasize how important the Stewardship fund is to their constituents.
With all of us speaking up together, we’ll deliver our message loud and clear: Renew the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program for 10 years at the current funding level of $33 million dollars a year.
Raise your voice in support. In June 2018, a statewide survey by Public Opinion Strategies and FM3 Research showed a staggering 86% of voters supporting continued funding of the program.
Take Action Now!
Please Contact Your State Legislators.
- Request their support for the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund in the soon-to-be released State budget.
- Ask them to CALL and encourage members of the bi-partisan Joint Finance Committee to support a 10-year reauthorization of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship fund at current level of $33M/year as they craft the budget.
- Remind them to prioritize the Ice Age National Scenic Trail.
EMAIL Your State Legislators in Three EASY Steps!
Simply click here and do the following:
- Enter your address and zipcode.
- Customize, or not, the automatically generated letter of support. It pops up along with the contact information for your representative.
- Click SEND.
CALL Your State Legislators in Three EASY Steps!
Simply click here and do the following:
- Enter your address and zipcode.
- Above the names and pictures of your representatives, is a phone icon.
- Click the phone icon and the phone numbers will appear.
Thank you for your support of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail!
The Advocacy Team of the Ice Age Trail Alliance.