In recognition of former Executive Director and CEO

At the beginning of the year, long time Executive Director and CEO, Mike Wollmer, retired from the Ice Age Trail Alliance.
During his 15-year tenure, Mike helped Ice Age Trail Alliance staff and volunteers achieve many great things:
- Blazed Ice Age Trail mileage increased by nearly 100 miles
- Alliance membership more than doubled
- Alliance capabilities expanded to include Outreach and Education programs like Saunters, Ice Age Trail Community, Mammoth Hike Challenge
- Volunteerism rates grew to be among the best in the National Park System
- Award-winning MSC Trailbuilding program expanded to include habitat improvement
- The Alliance became the only National Scenic Trail organization to become a certified land trust
Thanks, in large part, to Mike’s leadership, the Ice Age Trail Alliance is now considered one of the nation’s top-tier Trail organizations.
In recognition of his contributions to the organization and years of service, the Ice Age Trail Alliance Board of Directors established the Michael G. Wollmer Operational Endowment.
Much like Mike’s impact on the Alliance and Trail, contributions to the fund will endure. The endowment creates a perpetual stream of revenue to support Alliance operations. It will enable Alliance staff and volunteers to conserve, create, maintain, and promote the Ice Age Trail for generations to come.
“Since his earliest days with the Alliance, Mike wanted to establish an operational endowment,” says Patty Dreier, President of the Ice Age Trail Alliance. “Our organization finally made it happen with Mike’s tremendous help and leadership. So, it is fitting to name the endowment in his honor.”
To honor Mike’s legacy and support the Alliance’s mission as it works toward a completed Trail, you can contribute to the Michael G. Wollmer Operational Endowment. All contributions are tax-deductible.
In honoring Mike’s dedication to the Alliance, you’ll ensure lasting success of the organization he helped grow.