Photo by: Cameron Gillie
2025 Ice Age Trail Crew Season
Volunteers will learn new skills, make new friends, build and maintain the Ice Age Trail, and improve the Trail’s surrounding habitat.

2025 Habitat Improvement Projects

2025 Trailbuilding Events

January 10 & 11, 2025: Invasive Species Control, Table Bluff Segment (Dane County)

January 24 & 25, 2025: Invasive Species Control, Hartland Segment (Waukesha County)

February 7 & 8, 2025: Invasive Species Control, Gibraltar Rock Segment (Columbia County)

Habitat Improvement – March-May, 2025: Prescribed Burn Season (Dane County)
Prescribed burns are planned fires used to control invasive species and promote native plants in prairies along the Trail in southern Wisconsin. Alliance-led burns are subject to specific weather conditions; dates and locations are announced closer to a specific burn. To assist with prescribed burns, contact Steve Pence, Land Restoration Specialist. Email:

Trailbuilding – May 14-18, 2025: Blue Hills Segment, Rusk County
Replace a bridge over Pigeon Creek. Continue the reroute through the Blue Hills by building boardwalk through a tamarack bog. Craft sustainable tread and blaze the path, opening brand-new Trail and completing phase one.

Trailbuilding – June 4-8, 2025: Moraine Outwash Preserve, Langlade County
Begin a multi-year effort at a geologically significant Alliance-owned property. Build tread along the moraine and open a Dispersed Camping Area.
Also at this event: Crew Leader Skills Training! Learn how you can become an Ice Age Trail Crew Leader, especially if you have participated in previous years’ Trailbuilding events. Contact Chad DuChateau, Director of Trail Operations for details and an application! Email:

Habitat Improvement – Mid-to-Late June, 2025: Seed Collection Events
Harvest lupine seed from three preserves along the Trail where prairies contain robust stands. These seeds once planted on Alliance-owned or U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service-owned properties will increase Karner blue habitat along the Trail.
- Locations: Merrimac Preserve in Sauk County (owned by the Riverland Conservancy), and Alliance-owned Muir and Karner Meadow Preserves in Marquette County.
- Dates: Announced closer to weather-dependent harvest season.

Trailbuilding – June 25-29, 2025: Mueller Lake, Langlade County
Build tread across dramatic glacial topography of this National Park Service-owned property to reduce road walk miles in the county.

Trailbuilding – July 16-20, 2025: Clover Valley Segment, Walworth County
Protect fragile ecosystems and keep boots dry by replacing bridges and boardwalks along the Trail, improving the hiker experience through the Clover Valley State Wildlife Area.

Trailbuilding – August 13-17, 2025: Blue Hills Segment, Rusk County
Continue the Trail reroute through the Blue Hills. Expect chainsaw, rock, and tread work during phase two of this exciting project.

Habitat Improvement – August through October, 2025: Seed Collection Events
Participate in an essential aspect of habitat restoration: harvest native prairie seed from Ice Age Trail Alliance-owned preserves. These fun, easy, casual events are great for all ages and abilities.
- Locations: Alliance-owned Andersen, Holmes, Karner Meadow, Muir, Steenbock, and SwampLovers’ Preserve, plus, Merrimac Preserve (owned by the Riverland Conservancy).
- Dates: Announced closer to weather-dependent harvest season.

Trailbuilding – September 10-14, 2025: Straight River Segment, Polk County
Build a bridge across Straight River, eliminating a road walk along busy State Highway 48. Plus, build tread along an esker with views of the Straight River.

Trailbuilding – October 1-5, 2025: Cedar Lakes Segment, Washington County
Extend the Cedar Lakes Segment by opening more than two miles of new Trail across a partner property owned by the Cedar Lakes Conservation Foundation.

Trailbuilding – October 22-26, 2025: Point Beach Segment, Manitowoc County and Tisch Mills Segment, Kewaunee & Manitowoc Counties
Upgrade structures on the Tisch Mills Segment and reroute two miles of Trail off ski trails and onto a dedicated path in Point Beach State Forest. Limited number of volunteers needed for this small project.

Habitat Improvement – December 5, 2025: Invasive Species Control, Location TBD
Help remove invasive brush from the oak savannas and woodlands to prepare for future broadcast burning.
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