This holiday season, consider supporting the Ice Age National Scenic Trail while buying gifts for the people you love!
There are several ways you can support the Ice Age National Scenic Trail this holiday season AND get all of your holiday shopping done. See a list of three ways you can shop online and support the Ice Age Trail below.
1: Check out the Ice Age Trail Alliance Online Store
Merchandise on our online store directly supports the Ice Age Trail Alliance and our mission to conserve, create, maintain, and promote the Ice Age Trail. Our wide range of Trail-themed items can be shipped to you or picked up at the Alliance headquarters via contactless-pick up. Members save 20% on all merchandise orders!
See more items here!
2: Support local businesses within our Trail Communities
The Ice Age National Scenic Trail traverses the entire state of Wisconsin, winding through 142 communities along the way. Fifteen have chosen to support the Ice Age Trail and recognize the important factor the Trail plays in their local economies by becoming official Ice Age Trail Communities. This holiday season, enjoy a uniquely Wisconsin experience at the charming restaurants, breweries, and businesses nestled within our Trail Communities.

3: Buy from retailers who support the Ice Age Trail
Consider doing your holiday shopping with these Friends of the Ice Age Trail. Our corporate partners help fund important aspects of our work. It’s nice to know when you purchase a gift from one of these businesses, you are also supporting the Alliance.
Duluth Trading Company makes innovative, problem-solving clothes for can-do men and women. The craftsmanship and durability of their products are a natural fit for our committed-to-quality-workmanship trailbuilding volunteers.
Fontana Sports is an awesome Ice Age Trail supporter. Over the years, proceeds from their wildly popular trail runs have been ear-marked for the Trail and have been instrumental in helping promote the Trail to new audiences.
Granite Gear continued their enthusiastic support for the Ice Age Trail Alliance in 2020 with product donations and litter removal through the Grounds Keeper program. Granite Gear gives both backpacks and time, a great combination for the Ice Age Trail!
New Glarus Brewing Company uses only 100% natural ingredients to produce world-class, handcrafted beers. Like the Ice Age National Scenic Trail, which meanders exclusively throughout the state, the New Glarus Brewing Company proudly claims their home base is “Only in Wisconsin”. Cheers!
REI handsomely supports the Mobile Skills Crew program each year, enabling us to build thousands of feet of tread and numerous structures in a season.
Seek Dry Goods offers an officially licensed collection of Ice Age Trail t-shirts and accessories from Seek Dry Goods. Every purchase from this on-trend, special collection supports the Ice Age Trail Alliance.
KEEN Footwear builds durable and quality products that will last for a lifetime of working or playing in the great outdoors. Their mission to give back, take action, and reduce impact aligns with the efforts of the Ice Age Trail Alliance. They generously donated footwear and funds to the Mobile Skills Crew through the KEEN Corps Trail Challenge.
Stormy Kromer generously stepped up and donated their signature plaid masks for our dedicated volunteers who turned out for trailbuilding events this summer and fall.
Indeed Brewing Company believes in brewing top-notch beer and engaging with their local communities in Minneapolis, MN, and Milwaukee, WI. They invited the Ice Age Trail Alliance to “take-over” their Milwaukee taproom for an evening, and donated the day’s proceeds to us through their “Indeed We Can” charitable initiative. Cheers to cold beer and warm fuzzies this holiday season with Indeed!
Athletic Brewing Company specializes in great tasting non-alcoholic craft beer made with all-natural ingredients that is low calories for the active lifestyle. They are supporting the Ice Age Trail Alliance in maintaining pristine wild areas in Wisconsin through boardwalk construction.
See a full list of our corporate sponsors here.
4: Support the Ice Age Trail with AmazonSmile!
Amazon gives 0.5% of the purchase price, of whatever you order, to the Ice Age Trail Alliance (for example, a $100.00 purchase earns 50 cents for the Alliance). Remember: in order for a charity or organization to benefit from any Amazon shopping you do, you must use the AmazonSmile portal.
How to use AmazonSmile:
- Instead of going to Amazon.com, you will need to go to the AmazonSmile page.
- Log-in to AmazonSmile using your email and password associated with your Amazon account.
- Underneath the Amazon search bar, you will see small orange text that says “Supporting: Name of the Organization.”
- If you hover the mouse over the “Supporting: Name of Organization” it will bring up the option to change the charity you are currently supporting or give you the opportunity to select one. (This may also be an option from your account settings).
- Amazon will offer you a rotating list of their “spotlight charities” and below that a search bar that says “Or pick your own charitable organization” here is where you can type in “Ice Age Trail Alliance.”
- Click on the “Select” button. Now you are all set to start shopping while giving back to the Ice Age Trail!
Thank you for supporting the Ice Age Trail this holiday season!