Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day

Photo by Ann Green

Trail Improvement Day

The Workday: To Be Determined


Work Details:

Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details: To Be Determined



Contact Details:

Watch for last minute weather related information and contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com or 262-490-3515.




Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Trail Improvement Day/Boardwalk Replacement – Hartland Marsh

Photo by Sherri Ritz

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance to prep for a new boardwalk at the Hartland Marsh. All hands on deck will be needed for this critical phase of the project. We will be carrying the materials into the boardwalk site and hauling the old boardwalk out for disposal. No experience needed, everyone is welcome!

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training.

Participants should dress in layers for the weather. The boardwalk site will be a little wet so wear appropriate work footwear. Bring work gloves and a water bottle. Please meet at 8:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

We will meet at the Cottonwood Wayside parking lot. Overflow parking is available next door at Dorner Manufacturing.

Contact Details:

Watch for last minute weather related information and contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com or 262-490-3515.



Trail Improvement, Verona Segment, Dane County


While the weather stays warm and dry, I’d like to tackle another much-needed trail improvement project, with your help.

 What: We will begin rehabilitating the side trail leading from the chapter shed to the Ice Age Trail.  See the attached map below.  This heavily-used blue-blazed trail provides access to the IAT for the many trail users who park near the chapter shed.

 When:  Saturday, Oct. 19, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

 Where:  We will meet at the chapter shed, 400 ft. southwest of the Highway PD-S. High Point Rd. intersection.  See map below.

 Parking:  There is plenty of parking on the west side of the chapter shed.

 What to wear/what to bring: Please dress appropriately for the weather.  Leather gloves are a must.  Bring plenty of water, snacks and lunch.  Hand tools will be provided.  We will be constructing drainage dips–digging the drainage structures and moving lots of dirt.

Plus—there is a porta-toilet located behind the chapter shed.

Volunteers in Parks (VIP) program:  The National Park Service asks that all volunteers file, on a yearly basis, a Volunteer Service Agreement form.  In the unlikely event of an injury, a VIP’s medical expenses are covered by the federal government.  Go to:  https://www.iceagetrail.org/wp-content/uploads/packet-individual-301a-exp-10_2024.pdf 

Courtesy:  If you are going to arrive late or cannot come as planned, I understand.  Please afford me and your fellow volunteers the courtesy of a phone call, text or email to me as early as possible.  Thank you.

If you can help, please email me at edspoon@charter.net. This is very important so I can plan for enough tools and supplies.  It also allows me to communicate with you, should plans change due to weather, etc.

Questions?  Call, email or text me.  I hope to work with you on this project!

Happy Trails

Ed Spoon


Trail improvement project map

Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Habitat Improvement Day – Hartland Marsh Loop

Come learn, give back, get 10 bonus miles!!

the Mammoth Challenge Patch for 2024

The Workday:

Earn 10 bonus miles for the Mammoth Challenge by joining the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Habitat Improvement Day! We will be clearing invasives, restoring habitat, and enhancing scenic views at the Hartland Marsh Loop of the Ice Age Trail near the Hartland Segment.

Work Details:

No experience necessary! All tools and training will be provided. Bring a water bottle and wear sturdy footwear and gloves. Please complete a National Park Service Volunteer Agreement if you do not have one on file. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Meet at the Cottonwood Wayside parking lot. Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Seed Collection at Hartland Marsh

Photo by The Spruce/Evgeniya Vlasova

The Workday:

Join us for a Seed Collection Outing at the Hartland Marsh with the Ice Age Trail Alliance’s Land Restoration Specialist, Steve Pence! We will be collecting shooting star seeds that will go into the Ice Age Trail Alliance Seed Bank for future restoration projects. This ephemeral spring wildflower once was found growing abundantly throughout open, moist woods and rocky slopes. Unfortunately, shooting stars have suffered declines in both their numbers and natural habitats. The Alliance’s seed collection program is part of their land restoration efforts to re-establish and increase native plants found along the trail.

Work Details:

All tools and training will be provided. Wear long pants and sleeves, work gloves, and sturdy shoes. You will be healthier and happier by bringing a water bottle and insect repellent. If time allows we will continue clearing invasives from the area. Please complete a National Park Service Volunteer Agreement. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Meet at the Hartland Marsh’s Cottonwood Wayside parking lot.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day/BoardwalkRepair – Eagle Segment

Trail Improvement/Boardwalk Repair Project

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for boardwalk repairs on the Eagle Segment. We will be staging materials and redecking a prairie boardwalk.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. We do need a few more cordless drills. If you are willing to bring one, please make sure it is clearly labeled. We will be using a T25 bit.

Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs two miles north of Eagle. We will meet at the end of a gated gravel drive off of Hwy 67.

Contact Details:

Watch for last minute weather related information and contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com or 262-490-3515.




Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day

Multiflora Rose Invasive Removal

The Workday:

We will be working to clear an impenetrable thicket that is beginning to encroach into the Monches Segment of the trail. This thicket is made of the canes of the very invasive multiflora rose. This workday is not for the faint of heart! Multiflora rose is often compared to barbed wire. That’s because a multifloral thicket is armed with very sharp thorns that have no problem ripping your clothes and skin. We will be cutting and grubbing out as much of it as possible. Removal will be challenging, but we will be rewarded with claiming back a pristine area along the Oconomowoc River!

Work Details:

All tools and training will be provided. Volunteers will be required to wear sturdy leather gloves, heavy denim or canvas pants and long sleeves made of sturdy material. Eye protection will be mandatory. This workday is not appropriate for children. Bring a water bottle and wear sturdy footwear. Please complete a National Park Service Volunteer Agreement if you do not have one on file. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Park at the Ice Age Trail Parking Lot — Monches/Merton. Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com




Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day: Scuppernong Maintenance Sweep

Scuppernong Segment Maintenance Sweep!

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha / Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement Day. We will be clearing invasives, restoring habitat, enhancing scenic views and repairing tread along the Scuppernong Segment of the Ice Age Trail in the heart of Southern Kettle Moraine State Forest.

Work Details:

All tools and training will be provided. Bring a water bottle and wear sturdy footwear and gloves. Please complete a National Park Service Volunteer Agreement if you do not have one on file. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Meet at the D.J. Mackie Picnic Area parking lot. Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Building Day

Photo by Brad Crary

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for an exciting Trail Building Day. We will be installing tread and clearing the corridor to complete a mile of new trail which will nearly eliminate the entire Waterville Road walk!

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Enter the field just south of W349 S2296 Waterville Road directly across from the intersection with Parry Road, and follow the signs into the field. Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for an exciting Trail Improvement Day! We will be installing tread and signing on this new 0.25 mile section of Ice Age Trail. This new tread on the Milford property will eliminate a particularly dangerous section of the Hwy C road walk.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs. Meet at the First Presbyterian Church of Ottawa parking lot.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day, Eagle Segment

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement on the Eagle Segment. We will be staging materials and redecking a prairie boardwalk.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. We do need a few more cordless drills. If you are willing to bring one, please make sure it is clearly labeled. We will be using a T25 bit.

Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs two miles north of Eagle. We will meet at the end of a gated gravel drive off of Hwy 67.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day: South Stony Ridge Segment

The Workday:

Celebrate National Public Lands Day by joining Chapter for a Trail Improvement Day! We will spend the morning clearing a line of grand oaks adjacent to the Ice Age Trail at the southern gateway to Waukesha County. This rewarding work will greatly enhance the hiking experience and improve the health of the native species in this part of the Southern Kettle Moraine State Forest.

Work Details:

We will be using hand tools to clear buckthorn and other invasives, and creating brush piles to be burned this winter. As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs. Meet at the Emma Carlin Trailhead parking lot (N1031 CTH-Z, Palmyra, WI)

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day

Help build new trail on Waterville Road!

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance in completing the corridor clearing for a mile of new trail. This new trail will nearly eliminate all of the connector road walk on busy Waterville Road.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. Participants should dress for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Park in the field at W34 S2040 Waterville Road. Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Family Friendly Trail Improvement Day


The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Family Friendly Trail Improvement Day. We will be clearing invasives from the southern portion of the Waterville Segment. Pulling garlic mustard is a great stewardship activity for all ages! There will be some ”heavier” invasives to clear, as well.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 6:00 pm sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Meet at the First Presbyterian Church parking lot and walk a very short distance to the trailhead. Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com




Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day: Milford Property


The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement Day. We will be clearing the corridor in preparation for new trail installation later this year.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Meet at the First Presbyterian Church parking lot. Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day, Eagle Segment

This workday has been postponed until 12/17!

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement on the Eagle Segment. We will be staging materials and redecking a prairie boardwalk.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. We do need a few more cordless drills. If you are willing to bring one, please make sure it is clearly labeled. We will be using a T25 bit.

Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs two miles north of Eagle. We will meet at the end of a gated gravel drive off of Hwy 67.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com

This workday has been postponed until 12/17!



Waukesha/Milwaukee Co. Chapter – Trail Improvement Day, Hartland Marsh Loop/Cottonwood Ave. Wayside

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement Day. We will be clearing invasive plants and restoring habitat as part of this ongoing project along the Hartland Marsh Loop Trail.

Work Details:

All tools and training will be provided. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs and meet us at the Cottonwood Wayside.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Trail Improvement Day, Waterville Segment, South – Waukesha/Milwaukee Co. Chapter

Photo by Kevin Kuhlmann

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement Day. We will be clearing invasive plants, restoring habitat, and enhancing scenic views along the IAT’s Waterville Segment at Spencer’s Meadow.

Work Details:

All tools and training will be provided. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs and meet us at the Ottawa Presbysterian Church parking lot. Be aware that Hwy 67 is closed for construction between Dousman and Eagle.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee Co. Chapter Trail Improvement Day

Photo by Marianne Buth Modl

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement Day. We will be clearing invasive plants and  creating habitat restoration along the iconic Brady’s Rocks spur trail (off of the Eagle Segment).

Work Details:

All tools and training will be provided. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs and meet us at the unmarked Hunter’s Parking Lot located 1/2 mile south of the Hwy 67 Ice Age Trailhead lot.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee Co. Chapter Workday

Photo by Pat Witkowski

The Workday:

Volunteers will be clearing buckthorn and other invasives along a portion of the Scuppernong Segment on the IAT. We will open the corridor and create fantastic views through a 75 year old pine plantation.

Work Details:

All tools and training will be provided. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs and meet us at the DJ Mackie Picnic Area located 1/2 mile east of the Scuppernong Trails parking lot on hwy ZZ.

Contact Details:

Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com