Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter: Hartland Walking Club – Hartland Segment Hike

The Hartland Walking Club is excited to embark on an adventure to hike all of the Ice Age Trail (IAT) segments in Waukesha County this year. This is a wonderful opportunity to earn the coveted “Walk the Walk” patch. Each of these nine segments present their own challenges and beautiful views, making it a rewarding experience for both novice and seasoned hikers.


The Hike:

Explore the Ice Age National Scenic Trail with us! This month we will be hiking the Hartland Segment.  



This leisurely-paced hike covers 6.8 miles. Note that there will be shorter options for people that don’t want to do the whole segment at once. Bring water. Dress for the weather. We will cancel if weather or conditions are unsafe. These hikes are are free, and all ages and abilities are welcome. Ages 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Follow us at Hartland Walking Club on Facebook for more details and to stay updated on what’s happening. Jeff Romagna and the Hartland Recreation Dept. organized this hike.



Meet at the Highway 83 Park-And-Ride lot, then carpool to Centennial Park. We will hike back to the Park-And-Ride parking lot.


Contact Information:

Email comments or questions to either of your hike leader, Jeff.

The Hartland Walking Club was created by local Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter volunteers on the Village of Hartland Ice Age Trail Community Committee.





Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day

Photo by Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter

Trail Improvement Day


The Workday: To Be Determined

Work Details:

Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details: To Be Determined



Contact Details:

Watch for last minute weather related information and contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com or 262-490-3515.




Trailtessa 2025: Be a GEOLOGY NERD

Be a GEOLOGY NERD: A guided geology hike 

Saturday, August 23, 1:00 am – 1:00 pm
Bill Hills Region, Rusk County 

Geek out with us and dive into the wonders of glaciation at the Blue Hills Felsenmeer, a stunning State Natural Area. This hike traverses through the Northwoods features rocky, gravelly terrain with modest elevation gains—a classic Blue Hills adventure! Expect the hike to be moderate difficulty.

Enjoy a hearty post-hike lunch with us at woman-owned Farmhouse Restaurant in Weyerhaeuser, an Ice Age Trail Community.

Arriving early? Kick off the weekend with a BYOW (Bring Your Own Wallet) social in Rice Lake, another Trail Community, on Friday night. It’s the perfect way to connect with fellow adventurers before hitting the Trail on Saturday.

Registration limit: 30 women, ages 16 and up
Cost: $25/attendee






Trailtessa Retreats: super fun events designed by women for women.

Discover YOU with plenty of permission to be. BE YOU: Bold. Audacious. Strong. Adventurous. You get to choose to be any way you want to BE. Our Trailtessa events are open to women and girls of ALL ages and abilities.

Registration fee is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend, we will consider it a donation to the Alliance.

We love dogs, but we ask that you not bring them to Trailtessa events.




Winter Break Milwaukee 2025

Join the Ice Age Trail Alliance at Winter Break Milwaukee 2025!

Winter Break Milwaukee offers activities during deep winter that foster community connections, mental well-being, and outdoor enjoyment! Winter Break is a free outdoor event for all ages, experience levels, bodies and genders. It promotes gentle outdoor recreation in an approachable way.

The Ice Age Trail Alliance will be on-hand hosting a decorate your own walking stick activity inside and will have snowshoes to borrow (pending snow) outside.

To see a full list of activities being offered, visit Winter Break Milwaukee.

Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day

Photo by Kevin Kuhlmann

Trail Improvement Day


The Workday: To Be Determined

Work Details:

Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details: To Be Determined



Contact Details:

Watch for last minute weather related information and contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com or 262-490-3515.




Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day

Photo by Sherri Ritz

Trail Improvement Day


The Workday: To Be Determined

Work Details:

Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details: To Be Determined



Contact Details:

Watch for last minute weather related information and contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com or 262-490-3515.




Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day

Photo by Ann Green

Trail Improvement Day

The Workday: To Be Determined


Work Details:

Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details: To Be Determined



Contact Details:

Watch for last minute weather related information and contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com or 262-490-3515.




Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Chapter Meeting

The Ice Age Trail Alliance logo with the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter name





Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter






➢ Introduction of the Leadership Team who are present ➢ Welcoming of new members and guests



Helen Holtz, Land Management Director, Waukesha County Land Conservancy will talk on the work of the WCLC and on native birds and their habitats.

SUBMITTED MINUTES: Questions or comments

TREASURER REPORT, Sanjay Shoney, Treasurer

TRAIL ACTIVITIES REPORT, Pat Witkowski, Trail Coordinator

HIKE LEADERS’ REPORTS: Mike Schroeder, Jeff Romagna, Tyke Hikes

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES REPORT, Sherri Ritz, Social Coordinator

PRESENTATIONS & OUTREACH REPORT, Diana Matthews, Presentations & Outreach Coordinator


➢ Old and New business is presented/discussed

o Positions to fill: Delafield Trail Community Liaison
o Position to fill: Mammoth Challenge Coordinator & Volunteers to help out o Monty update: Lynne Miner
o Training Update: First Aid, CPR, Segment Stewards Soiree
o Annual Conference Registration & Donations
o Statewide Trail Angels list
o SurpriseGuest

➢ Questions or comments
➢ Next meeting date & time: March 20 @ 7pm Trecker Lodge



NOTE: > Our meetings are free and open to the public.

               > Vehicle admission pass is required to enter Lapham Peak.

Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter: Hartland Walking Club – Merton Segment Hike

The Hartland Walking Club is excited to embark on an adventure to hike all of the Ice Age Trail (IAT) segments in Waukesha County this year. This is a wonderful opportunity to earn the coveted “Walk the Walk” patch. Each of these nine segments present their own challenges and beautiful views, making it a rewarding experience for both novice and seasoned hikers.

The Hike:

Explore the Ice Age National Scenic Trail with us! This month we will be hiking the Merton Segment near Hartland.  


This leisurely-paced hike covers 5.2 miles. Bring water. Dress for the weather. We will cancel if weather or conditions are unsafe. These hikes are are free, and all ages and abilities are welcome. Ages 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Follow us at Hartland Walking Club on Facebook for more details and to stay updated on what’s happening. Jeff Romagna and the Hartland Recreation Dept. organized this hike.


Meet at Centennial Park’s parking lot in Hartland. From there we will carpool to the parking lot on Kilbourne Rd. We will hike south from there on the Merton Segment back to the Centennial Park.

Contact Information:

Email comments or questions to either of your hike leader, Jeff.

The Hartland Walking Club was created by local Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter volunteers on the Village of Hartland Ice Age Trail Community Committee.





Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter: Hartland Walking Club – Monches Segment Hike

The Hartland Walking Club is excited to embark on an adventure to hike all of the Ice Age Trail (IAT) segments in Waukesha County this year. This is a wonderful opportunity to earn the coveted “Walk the Walk” patch. Each of these nine segments present their own challenges and beautiful views, making it a rewarding experience for both novice and seasoned hikers.

The Hike:

Explore the Ice Age National Scenic Trail with us! This month we will be hiking the Monches Segment near Hartland.  


This leisurely-paced hike will be about 3 miles. Bring water. Dress for the weather. We will cancel if weather or conditions are unsafe. These hikes are are free, and all ages and abilities are welcome. Ages 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Follow us at Hartland Walking Club on Facebook for more details and to stay updated on what’s happening. Jeff Romagna and the Hartland Recreation Dept. organized this hike.


Meet at the Kilbourne Rd parking lot. From there we will carpool to the Highway K parking lot. We will hike south from there back to the Kilbourne Avenue parking lot.

Contact Information:

Email comments or questions to either of your hike leader, Jeff.

The Hartland Walking Club was created by local Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter volunteers on the Village of Hartland Ice Age Trail Community Committee.





Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter: Hartland Walking Club – Full Moon Hike

The Event:

The Village of Hartland Ice Age Trail Committee has a special free full moon hike!

Beginning at Nixon Park’s Warming Shed, hikers will head south for 1-2 miles on the Ice Age Trail – hopefully by the light of the full moon. Complimentary hot chocolate will be provided. Bring flashlights and dress appropriately for the weather. Dogs are welcome.

Contact Information:

Email comments or questions to either of your hike leaders, Jeff and Mark.


Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter First Day Hike: Lapham Peak

Photo by Natasha Steenburgen

Bring in the New Year with a fun-filled hike! Afterwards, enjoy a bonfire, hot chocolate and cookies!


Our chapter has organized three guided loop hikes:

  • Family-Friendly 1 mile hike on a paved path
  • 2 mile option
  • 3+ mile option


Each hike will be guided by knowledgeable leaders who will share information on various points of interest. Dress for the weather. Ice cleats may be helpful.  These hikes are free, although a park sticker or day pass is required for entrance to Lapham Peak. Save time and purchase your sticker early. It can be ordered online here.


Follow Ice Age Trail Event signs to Trecker Lodge at Lapham Peak in the Homestead Hollow area.

Contact Information:

Send questions or comments to our  Waukesha/Milwaukee IAT Chapter Facebook page or to our chapter email.



Winter Solstice Hike – Springfield Hill Segment

Join the fun on Saturday, December 21, 2024 to celebrate the Winter Solstice on the Ice Age Trail! 


Dress for the weather. There are no bathroom facilities available at the Springfield Hill Segment.

After the hike, enjoy FREE hot cocoa provided by the Dane County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance. All are welcome, including well-behaved and leashed dogs.

Springfield Hill Segment
This segment, a short loop that can be hiked in either direction, highlights the 198-acre Springfield Hill Natural Resource Area. This property consists of steep wooded valleys, glacial kettle ponds, and open meadow. The stunning prairie changes with the seasons and demonstrates what’s possible through extensive and ongoing restoration efforts. The Trail’s route provides outstanding views from atop Springfield Hill, one of the highest points in the area.


Photo by Joe Ulmer. 

Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Trail Improvement Day/Boardwalk Replacement – Hartland Marsh

Photo by Sherri Ritz

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance to prep for a new boardwalk at the Hartland Marsh. All hands on deck will be needed for this critical phase of the project. We will be carrying the materials into the boardwalk site and hauling the old boardwalk out for disposal. No experience needed, everyone is welcome!

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training.

Participants should dress in layers for the weather. The boardwalk site will be a little wet so wear appropriate work footwear. Bring work gloves and a water bottle. Please meet at 8:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

We will meet at the Cottonwood Wayside parking lot. Overflow parking is available next door at Dorner Manufacturing.

Contact Details:

Watch for last minute weather related information and contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com or 262-490-3515.



Light Up Cross Plains!

The Cross Plains Chamber of Commerce would like to invite you to the fourth annual Light Up Cross Plains event on Saturday, December 7, 2024.

Join the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a “long” guided hike at 3:30 pm, or a “short” guided hike at 4:00 p.m. 

Both hikes will start and end at Esser Square (the green space next to Crossroads Coffeehouse – 2020 Main Street, Cross Plains, WI 53528).

The long hike will be approximately a 3-mile loop. Hikers will explore part of the Cross Plains Segment to the north of Highway 14/Main Street. Enjoy woodlands, the Ice Age Trail Alliance’s Andersen Preserve, a savanna restoration area, and the Hickory Hill Conservation Park and of course

The short hike will be approximately a 1.5 mile out and back (with a steep elevation up Hickory Hills Conservancy).

Both hikes will go to the location of the tree lighting 4:45 pm before returning to Esser Square.

Dress appropriately for the weather. We recommend bringing a headlamp and/or flashlight for the way back.

After the hike, head back to Esser Square to enjoy hot cocoa, fire pits, and s’mores available from 3:00 – 8:00 pm.

Dane County Chapter 2025 Hike-A-Thon Planning Meeting

We are now gearing up for planning the 2025 Dane County Hike-A-Thon, tentatively planned for Summer 2025! We had a record turnout in 2024, raising over $10,000 for the Dane County Land Fund. In order to continue the success for the event next year, we are looking for volunteers to help plan the 2025 Hike-A-Thon! The Dane County Hike-A-Thon is the flagship fundraising event for the Dane County Chapter, with funds going to purchase and protect land to build more trail in Dane County! If you are interested in helping with next years event, please join us at the 2025 Dane County Hike-A-Thon kick-off meeting!