Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Tyke Hike BioBlitz


Have you ever wondered how many species exist in our environment? From the shores of Lake Michigan to the forests of the Northwoods or the soil in your backyard, Wisconsin is teeming with life – and the Wisconsin Science Festival is launching a statewide BioBlitz project to learn more! Meet Ms. Andrea in the lobby for a 30-minute hike and BioBlitz, where you observe and record different species.

The more you discover, the more fascinating your hike becomes! Learn, experience and enjoy Wisconsin’s own Ice Age National Scenic Trail and the wildly popular October Mammoth Hike Challenge!


The trail is stroller accessible but does go over some gravel. We recommend that you download the iNaturalist app ahead of the hike if you would like to record your observations. No registration is necessary to join the hike. This activity is part of the Wisconsin Science Festival and Let’s Hike, Delafield!

Weather dependent; watch the Delafield Public Library’s Facebook page for updates regarding weather cancellation.


This activity will meet at the Delafield Public Library. Library programs, events, and activities are free and open to the public.


Trail Magic:
  Ask any librarian for some Trail Magic, and receive a small notebook to keep track of your observations on the trail!


Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Tyke Hike BioBlitz


Have you ever wondered how many species exist in our environment? From the shores of Lake Michigan to the forests of the Northwoods or the soil in your backyard, Wisconsin is teeming with life – and the Wisconsin Science Festival is launching a statewide BioBlitz project to learn more! Meet Ms. Andrea in the lobby for a 30-minute hike and BioBlitz, where you observe and record different species.

The more you discover, the more fascinating your hike becomes! Learn, experience and enjoy Wisconsin’s own Ice Age National Scenic Trail and the wildly popular October Mammoth Hike Challenge!


The trail is stroller accessible but does go over some gravel. We recommend that you download the iNaturalist app ahead of the hike if you would like to record your observations. No registration is necessary to join the hike. This activity is part of the Wisconsin Science Festival and Let’s Hike, Delafield! and will be repeated on October 16 at 10 am.

Weather dependent; watch  the Delafield Public Library’s Facebook page for updates regarding weather cancellation.


This activity will meet at the Delafield Public Library. Library programs, events, and activities are free and open to the public.


Trail Magic:
  Ask any librarian for some Trail Magic, and receive a small notebook to keep track of your observations on the trail!


Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Let’s Learn, Let’s Hike!


Have you ever wanted to walk along the Ice Age Trail? Wondered how this trail came to be or who built it? Ever wonder about all the life that surrounds you while on the trail? The more you discover, the more fascinating your hike becomes! Learn, experience and enjoy Wisconsin’s own Ice Age National Scenic Trail and the wildly popular October Mammoth Hike Challenge!


Join “Thousand-Miler” and active Chapter member, Mary Cieslewicz and learn how to be a curious hiker.


Practice your curious hiking skills by taking a short hike on the Ice Age Trail at 10:00. At 10:30 we’ll have pumpkins to paint and hot cocoa to drink, plus a raffle prize for one lucky hiker! Whether hiking or sauntering, be inspired for adventures on the Trail! This activity is part of Let’s Hike, Delafield!



This presentation will take place at the Delafield Public Library. Library programs, events, and activities are free and open to the public.


Trail Magic:
  Ask any librarian for some Trail Magic, and receive a small notebook to keep track of your observation on the trail!


Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Mammoth Hike Challenge: Delafield Hiker Meet-Up and Happy Hour

As part of the Mammoth Hike Challenge, join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter for a hiker meet-up and happy hour on Thursday, October 3 at Delafield BrewHaus in Delafield, an Ice Age Trail Community.

No RSVP needed. Stop by and talk Trail with other outdoor enthusiasts. Meet our special guest, Andrea of Midwest Hikes and Hops! Enjoy the Delafield Brewhaus’ special beer, Hop Harvest IPA on tap. (During the month of Oct., they donate $1 for each pint of their Hop Harvest IPA to the IATA!) Purchase Mammoth Challenge and IAT merchandise. What’s not to love?

Come early and enjoy the Ice Age Trail segments in and around the Delafield area, along with local businesses and attractions.



This event is in partnership with the Mammoth Hike Challenge and Visit Delafield Hike 44 miles on the Ice Age Trail during the month of October 2024 and support at least three Ice Age Trail Communities to earn a certificate and a limited-edition patch celebrating the Challenge. You may hike, walk, run, or backpack – whatever suits your lifestyle – and log your miles over days, weekends, weeks, or one big adventure. You have the entire month of October to do it!

More information about the Mammoth Hike Challenge, including free registration, can be found HERE.




Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Mammoth Hiking Challenge Two-For!

Two-For! Two Trail Segments, Two Trail Communities!

the Mammoth Challenge Patch for 2024


Earn bonus miles and visit TWO (yes, two) Trail Communities AND hike two segments by joining us for another special Mammoth Hike Challenge Event! We will hike 9.5 miles of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail, including all of the Hartland Segment and much of the Delafield Segment. These two segments wind through not only natural and wooded areas, but also through the vibrant and charming downtown neighborhoods of both Trail Communities. Socialize after the hike at Revere’s Well Street Tavern for a raffle and photo opportunities with Monty!



You may find hiking poles helpful. Bring water and dress for the weather. We will cancel if weather or conditions are unsafe. All ages and abilities are welcome. Ages 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.



Meet at the Delafield Municipal Parking Lot. A bus will take our group to Centennial Park in Hartland. Enjoy a guided hike back to Delafield.


Questions or comments can be made through our  Waukesha/Milwaukee IAT Chapter Facebook page or through our chapter email.


This event is free and sponsored by The Delafield Promotion and Tourism Commission.

Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Moonlight Hike @ Hartland Ice Age Marsh

Photo by Unknown


Hartland became Wisconsin’s first Ice Age Trail Community in 2015. The Hartland Walking Club was created by local volunteers on the Village of Hartland Ice Age Trail Community Committee. Check Hartland Walking Club’s Facebook page for updates and additional activities.

The Hike:

Join us for this Mammoth Hike Challenge Event! This family- friendly moonlight hike will be a walk around Hartland’s beautiful Ice Age Marsh.


Walking at a leisurely pace, this easy hike will last approximately two hours. Participants can elect to head back to the starting point at any time. Ages 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Leashed dogs are welcome. Dress for the weather. If conditions are unsafe we will cancel. There is no fee for this activity.


Park at the Cottonwood Wayside lot. We will meet at the pavilion.

Contact Information:


Email comments or questions to Jeff, your hike leader.

Local Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter volunteers from the Village of Hartland Ice Age Trail Community Committee created the Hartland Walking Club.


Thanks to Ice Age Trail Alliance partner Athletic Brewing Co., we’re excited to offer non-alcoholic Athletic Brews to 21+ attendees as a part of this event. Athletic Brewing Co. has supported boardwalk construction on several segments of Trail, funded habitat improvement along the Trail, and even filmed a short video that highlights the work of Alliance volunteers.

Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Hartland Walking Club – Hartland Segment

Photo by Jayne Sanger


Join us for a special Mammoth Hike Challenge Event and earn bonus miles! We will hike all 6.8 miles of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail’s  Hartland Segment. This segment winds through the Hartland Trail Community and highlights three Conservationists’ Hall of Fame commemorative sites.


You may find hiking poles helpful. Bring water and dress for the weather. We will cancel if weather or conditions are unsafe. These hikes are free. All ages and abilities are welcome. Ages 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Dogs are welcome, but must be leashed and cleaned up after. Please bring water for your dogs as well. Follow us at Hartland Walking Club on Facebook for more details and to stay updated on what’s happening. Jeff Romagna and the Hartland Recreation Dept. organized this hike.


Meet at Centennial Park in Hartland. Carpool to park and ride to the Nagawaukee Park and Ride Lot. We will then hike back to Centennial Park. This hike could be shortened by parking at Nixon Park.


Email comments or questions to either of your hike leader, Jeff.

Local Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter volunteers from the Village of Hartland Ice Age Trail Community Committee created the Hartland Walking Club.