Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Chapter Meeting

Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the IATA Meeting


Introduction of the Leadership Team
Welcoming of new members and guests


Questions or comments

TRAIL ACTIVITIES REPORT, Pat Witkowski, Trail Coordinator

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES REPORT, Sherri Ritz, Social Coordinator

TREASURY YTD UPDATE, Russ Evans, Treasurer/Jeff Saatkamp, Asst. Treasurer


HIKES  REPORT, Mark Miner, Beth Bechtel, Jeff Romagna



Donation Request for Hartland hike
Questions or comments


We welcome all to join us after the chapter meeting to meet and socialize with other members. Feel free to bring a snack or beverage to share.

Future Meetings:

October 19th –Harvest Gathering Potluck – 6:30pm -Trecker Lodge

November 16 – Chapter Meeting – 7pm – Trecker Lodge

December – Holiday party- TBD  

Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Chapter Meeting

Please join us for our June meeting.



     Introduction of the Leadership Team
     ➢ Welcoming of new members and guests


Speaker Cameron Gillie began his photography career as a staff photographer at several daily newspapers. As a
he photographed all aspects of life, everything from the extraordinary to the ordinary, learning to appreciate both equally. Photojournalism is like having a front row seat observing life as it unfolds. He explored life in Colorado while working for the Greeley Tribune and in Florida while working for the Naples Daily News. Leaving the newspaper business to freelance, he continued to follow his curiosity and explore new creative challenges. Cameron has been an exhibitor in art festivals and galleries around his new home in the Midwest. His art has taken on many forms over the years. His love of the outdoors inspires him to photograph wildlife and nature, while his fascination with the simplicity of homemade cameras brought him to pinhole photography. Cameron is an avid film photographer using analog vintage cameras. He develops and prints the images in a darkroom in his basement in Madison, Wisconsin. This diverse background in photojournalism and creative photography prepared him for his biggest project ever hiking the Ice Age Trail and documenting the landscapes, communities, and people of Wisconsin in his book Around Wisco. Cameron enjoyed blending nature photography as well as capturing storytelling images of the interesting people he met along the way.

     ➢ Questions or comments


     TRAIL ACTIVITIES REPORT, Pat Witkowski, Trail Coordinator
ACTIVITIES REPORT, Sherri Ritz, Social Coordinator
YTD UPDATE, Russ Evans, Treasurer/Jeff Saatkamp, Asst. Treasurer
LEADER REPORTS, Mark Miner, Jeff Romagna

Trails Day Event recap
Chapter Meeting August 17th


Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – March Chapter Meeting



➢ Introduction of the Leadership Team, who are present

➢ Welcoming of new members and guests

➢ Questions/Comments for submitted JAN 2023 MEETING MINUTES and MARCH 2023’s LEADERSHIP REPORTS


  • TRAIL ACTIVITIES, Pat Witkowski, Trail Coordinator
  • SOCIAL ACTIVITIES, Diana Matthews and Becky Burton
  • TREASURY UPDATE, Russ Evans, Treasurer
  • PRESENTATIONS REPORT, Diana Matthews, Presentations/Outreach Coordinator
  • HIKE LEADER’S REPORT, Mark Miner, Jeff Romagna, and Peter Dargatz
  • DELAFIELD HAPPENING, Jessica Woodward


  • 2023 Annual IATA Conference, April 20th – April 23rd
  • New Member Meet & Greet, May 8th, 6:30 – 8:30pm, Delafield Brew Haus
  • National Trails Day, June 3rd

➢ Questions/Comments


Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Brush Pile Burn at the Hartland Marsh Loop


Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Habitat Restoration Day, clearing invasives and burning brush piles.


All equipment and training will be provided, but you should bring a water bottle and wear non-synthetic clothing, leather gloves, sturdy leather footwear, and eye protection if you have it. If weather conditions don’t allow us to burn, we will still use the morning to do additional clearing. Lunch will be provided.


Meet at 9:00 at the Cottonwood Wayside parking lot. Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Wee Walkers – Hartbrook Park


Hartland became Wisconsin’s first Ice Age Trail Community in 2015, and this walking club was formed to bring people–both adults and “Wee Walkers”–together to enjoy the trail, community, and each other. Start the New Year right by getting your kids out of the house and onto the Ice Age Trail with the Hartland Walking Club’s “Wee Walkers” program–monthly hikes designed especially for tykes! They’d love to have you join them for a walk!

The Walk:

Hartland Walking Club’s “Wee Walkers” invite you and your kids to continue their 2023 series. This year, they are on a mission to hike the ENTIRE Hartland Segment of the Ice Age Trail–out AND back!! They started at Centennial park in January and will head south each month in 2023 until the full segment has been! Anyone who accomplishes this goal with us will earn a free “Hartland Segment” pin! Starting at Hartbrook Park hikers will head south for an out and back hike on the Ice Age Trail. This hike will move at a “toddler’s pace,” as they stop to explore and enjoy the surroundings along the way. Check their Facebook page for updates.


This month, their out-and-back hike will total approximately 2 miles. They willtrek from Hartbrook Park to Nixon Park and back. This section of trail is stroller-friendly. A heavy-duty stroller is recommended in case there is residual snow, slush, and/or ice on the path. Hopefully some snow mountains will be found to climb and, for the second month in a row, hikers will get a bonus of not one but TWO playground stops! Please dress for the weather and consider bringing water and snacks. If conditions are unsafe we will cancel.
Walks are led by 5-year-old Simon, 3-year-old Ophelia, 1-year-old Rhea, and their mom, Christina, an Ice Age Trail volunteer (and kid at heart). All ages are welcome; kids must be accompanied by an adult. Well-behaved, leashed dogs are welcome.

Christina Callies and the Hartland Recreation Department organized this hike. Register in advance (ensure that you receive notification in the event this hike is postponed or canceled) or simply show up at Hartbrook Park. There is no fee for this activity.


Meet at the parking lot at Hartbrook Park. You will find Christina and her kids layering up by their car or playing on the playground waiting for their hiking buddies to arrive!

Contact Information:

Email comments or questions to your hike leader, Christina.



DelaFREEZE 2024 – Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter


Enjoy some winter fun at the 6th Annual DelaFREEZE event in Delafield! The Delafield Chamber of Commerce and its business members have come together to provide live ice carvings and fun activities throughout the Delafield Area.

Stroll through Delafield and view the amazing art of Ice Carving (and watch live sculpture carvings). Better yet, check out our  Ice Age Trail Alliance display and get Trail information from our Chapter Volunteers from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Clear Water Outdoor. Look for Monty the Mammoth outside of Clear Water Outdoor at Clocktower Square and take a selfie with him! He’ll be there starting at 12:00 p.m..  This event is family-friendly and free for all ages.

Click here for a Walking Map, Schedule of Events, and Activities to enjoy.


Featured graphic by: The Delafield Chamber of Commerce

Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Tyke Hike – Centennial Park

The Hike:

Tyke Hikes are back! We’ll be hiking a small piece of the Hartland Segment  starting at Centennial Park which is the northernmost point on the Hartland Segment. Moving at a “toddler’s pace,” we will stop to explore and enjoy our surroundings as we go. This guided hike will be led by local and Chapter-affiliated parents.


This out-and-back hike will total approximately 1.5 miles. We will trek from Centennial Park to Hartbrook Park and back. This hike comes with a bonus of not one but TWO playground stops! This paved section of the trail is stroller-friendly but is not maintained in the winter. Please dress and prepare accordingly. If weather conditions are unsafe we will cancel. Recommended for ages 2-8, but all ages are welcome. Kids must be accompanied by an adult.

Christina Callies, Aliza Shafer, and McKenna Olson organized this hike. There is no fee for this activity. *Note: We love furry friends, but dogs are not allowed on a section of this trail, so please leave them at home.


Meet at the parking lot at Centennial Park.

Contact Information:

Email comments or questions to hike leader Christina.


Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day, Eagle Segment

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement on the Eagle Segment. We will be staging materials and redecking a prairie boardwalk.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. We do need a few more cordless drills. If you are willing to bring one, please make sure it is clearly labeled. We will be using a T25 bit.

Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs two miles north of Eagle. We will meet at the end of a gated gravel drive off of Hwy 67.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – National Trails Day

The Event:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee Co. Chapter for a celebration of National Trails Day®! We will meet at the Evergreen Shelter in Lapham Peak State Park.  Register at the outreach table located in the picnic shelter near Evergreen Shelter which is located in the lower parking area. Admission to the park is free on June 3.  All ages are welcome. 17 and under must be accompanied by an adult. We hope to see you there to share one of our favorite trails with you!

Enter a free raffle for a stuffed Monty the Mammoth or an Ice Age Trail Mug! Enjoy a snack and possibly a cold can of non-alcoholic beer donated by the Athletic Brewing Company.

The American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day® dedicates a day for public events focused on advocacy and trail service. It’s the perfect opportunity to give back to and celebrate the trails that bring people together.

Contact info:

Questions? Email: waukmkectychapter@iceagetrail.org

Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day: South Stony Ridge Segment

The Workday:

Celebrate National Public Lands Day by joining Chapter for a Trail Improvement Day! We will spend the morning clearing a line of grand oaks adjacent to the Ice Age Trail at the southern gateway to Waukesha County. This rewarding work will greatly enhance the hiking experience and improve the health of the native species in this part of the Southern Kettle Moraine State Forest.

Work Details:

We will be using hand tools to clear buckthorn and other invasives, and creating brush piles to be burned this winter. As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs. Meet at the Emma Carlin Trailhead parking lot (N1031 CTH-Z, Palmyra, WI)

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day

Help build new trail on Waterville Road!

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance in completing the corridor clearing for a mile of new trail. This new trail will nearly eliminate all of the connector road walk on busy Waterville Road.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. Participants should dress for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Park in the field at W34 S2040 Waterville Road. Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Family Friendly Trail Improvement Day


The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Family Friendly Trail Improvement Day. We will be clearing invasives from the southern portion of the Waterville Segment. Pulling garlic mustard is a great stewardship activity for all ages! There will be some ”heavier” invasives to clear, as well.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 6:00 pm sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Meet at the First Presbyterian Church parking lot and walk a very short distance to the trailhead. Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com




Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day: Milford Property


The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement Day. We will be clearing the corridor in preparation for new trail installation later this year.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Meet at the First Presbyterian Church parking lot. Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter – Trail Improvement Day, Eagle Segment

This workday has been postponed until 12/17!

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement on the Eagle Segment. We will be staging materials and redecking a prairie boardwalk.

Work Details:

As always, our Trail Improvement Day will provide tools and training. We do need a few more cordless drills. If you are willing to bring one, please make sure it is clearly labeled. We will be using a T25 bit.

Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs two miles north of Eagle. We will meet at the end of a gated gravel drive off of Hwy 67.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com

This workday has been postponed until 12/17!



Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter Annual Cookout and Potluck

Summer Cookout & Potluck 

(Rain or Shine!)


Nothing better than a summer cookout with your fellow Chapter members at a great state park! Come on out to Lapham Peak (rain or shine) and enjoy some good food and time with friends.


Bring a dish to pass, a lawn chair and your favorite beverage.  Brats provided by the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter.


We will meet at the Mike Fort Shelter. Park in the nearby Homestead Hollow lot.


Please send an email to Sherri if you are coming so we can get a count for food & beverages. 

Please note that a state park annual sticker or day pass is needed for admittance into the park!

Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Hartland Walking Club – Ice Age Marsh @ Cottonwood Wayside


Hartland became Wisconsin’s first Ice Age Trail Community in 2015.  The Hartland Walking Club was created by local volunteers on the Village of Hartland Ice Age Trail Community Committee. Check Hartland Walking Club’s Facebook page for updates and additional activities.

The Hike:

This hike will be a walk around Hartland’s beautiful Ice Age Marsh. 


This is an easy hike and will last approximately two hours. Participants can elect to head back to the starting point at any time. Our walks are usually 3-5 miles depending on the group we have and how far everyone wants to go. We walk at a leisurely pace. Ages 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Leashed dogs are welcome. Dress for the weather. If conditions are unsafe we will cancel.

Jeff Romagna and the Hartland Recreation Department organized this hike. Register in advance (to ensure that you receive notification in the event this hike is postponed or canceled) or simply show up at the Cottonwood Wayside. There is no fee for this activity.


Park at the Cottonwood Wayside lot. We will meet at the pavillion.

Contact Information:

Email comments or questions to Jeff, your hike leader.


Waukesha/Milwaukee Co. Chapter Mid-Week Hike

Photo by Vicki Christianson

The Hike:

Please join us as we hike the western portion of the IAT’s Blue Spring Lake Segment. This up & down segment features panoramic views from the top of Bald Bluff, and the Stone Elephant, a massive granite erratic.


We will shuttle cars to the Bald Bluff Nature Trail parking lot where we will begin our hike. We will hike north and east ~3 ½ miles to the Horseriders Campground. Dogs are welcome but must be leashed and cleaned up after. Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Hiking poles will be helpful. Bring water for the hike.

Note: We do not cancel hikes ahead of time due to weather predictions. If that morning we have a deluge, or lightning, Mark will send out an email canceling…if you are not sure, stay home.


We will meet at the Horseriders Campground, leave some cars there and drive to the Bald Bluff Nature Trail parking lot.

Contact Information:

Dick Haas and Jeff Romagna help Mark Miner organize these hikes. Email comments or questions to Mark, your hike leader, and he will answer them for you.


Waukesha/Milwaukee Co. Chapter Mid-Week Hike

Photo by Diane Clauer-Hauser

This hike has been CANCELLED! 

The Hike:

Please join us as we hike the Milwaukee River Segment in Fond du Lac County. Paralleling the Milwaukee River, this Ice Age Trail segment traverses the densely wooded hillsides of the Northern Kettle Moraine and follows an irregular hummocky sand and gravel ridge for most of its length.


We will shuttle cars to the New Fane Trailhead where we will begin our hike. We will hike approximately four miles from there to the Mauthe Lake Recreation Area. Additional hiking can be added at Mauthe Lake. Bring a lunch if you wish to picnic after the hike at Mauthe Lake. Dogs are welcome but must be leashed and cleaned up after. Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring water for the hike.

Note: We do not cancel hikes ahead of time due to weather predictions. If that morning we have a deluge, or lightning, Mark will send out an email canceling… if you are not sure, stay home.


We will meet at the Mauthe Lake Recreation Area.

Contact Information:

Dick Haas and Jeff Romagna help Mark Miner organize these hikes. Email comments or questions to Mark, your hike leader, and he will answer them for you.


Tyke Hike – UWM at Waukesha Fieldstation – Waukesha/Milwaukee Co. Chapter

The Tyke Hike:

Join us on a Family-friendly stroll at the UWM at Waukesha Fieldstation! We will explore a tyke-sized portion of the  3.5 miles of mowed paths there. Families with children of all ages should attend!

These hikes give kids the opportunity to explore, discover and participate in natural play. Most hikes include a picture book story and educational materials as well as certificates for children. In addition, service opportunities may be included. They last approximately 1-2 hours and can cover up to 1.5 miles. Tyke Hikes are led by Peter Dargatz, a forest kindergarten teacher and Ice Age Trail volunteer.

Tyke Hike Details:

We will hike for approximately 45 minutes and then return. There will be occasional stops for play and exploration along the way. Hikers should dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable shoes/hiking boots. Most importantly, bring water.


Please meet in Waterville at the UWM at Waukesha Fieldstation.

Contact Information:

Questions? Peter will answer them for you.

“Get lost in the right direction” with us!

Waukesha/Milwaukee Co. Chapter – Trail Improvement Day, Hartland Marsh Loop/Cottonwood Ave. Wayside

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement Day. We will be clearing invasive plants and restoring habitat as part of this ongoing project along the Hartland Marsh Loop Trail.

Work Details:

All tools and training will be provided. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs and meet us at the Cottonwood Wayside.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Trail Improvement Day, Waterville Segment, South – Waukesha/Milwaukee Co. Chapter

Photo by Kevin Kuhlmann

The Workday:

Join the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a Trail Improvement Day. We will be clearing invasive plants, restoring habitat, and enhancing scenic views along the IAT’s Waterville Segment at Spencer’s Meadow.

Work Details:

All tools and training will be provided. Participants should dress in layers for the weather with sturdy footwear and gloves. You will want to bring a water bottle. Please meet at 9:00 am sharp so we can organize into crews. Participants should have a current National Park Service Volunteer Agreement on file. If not, complete the form and bring it with you. Download Agreement.

Location Details:

Watch for the yellow ICE AGE TRAIL EVENT signs and meet us at the Ottawa Presbysterian Church parking lot. Be aware that Hwy 67 is closed for construction between Dousman and Eagle.

Contact Details:

Questions? Contact Pat at gpwit1976@gmail.com



Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter Spring Mid-Week Hike: Urban Ecology & Oak Leaf Trail – Milwaukee

Photo by Peter Dargatz

The Hike:

We will walk the trails in Riverside Park and then return to the lakefront (about 2 1⁄2 miles) via the Milwaukee River Line of the Oak Leaf Trail. Once at the Lakefront people can choose to walk further along the lake shore if they wish.


Dogs are welcome but must be leashed and cleaned up after. Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes (much of this hike is paved). Bring water for the hike.

Note: We do not cancel hikes ahead of time due to weather predictions. If that morning we have a deluge, or lightning, Mark will send out an email canceling… if you are not sure, stay home.


Meet at Colectivo Lakefront (the historic Milwaukee River Flushing Station). You can park along Lakeshore Drive or in the McKinley Park lot across the street from Colectivo. We will leave some cars on the lakefront and shuttle to the Urban Ecology Center at Riverside Park to walk the trails in Riverside Park.

Contact Information:

Dick Haas and Jeff Romagna help Mark Miner organize these hikes. Email comments or questions to Mark, your hike leader, and he will answer them for you.





Waukesha/Milwaukee Chapter Spring Mid-Week Hike: Fox River Trail

Join us for our first Mid-Week Hike of the year!

The Hike:

We will walk south on the Fox River Trail to Bethesda Park and loop back to Waukesha’s  Schuetze Recreation Center.


Walk at  your own pace for whatever distance you wish (1.7 to 4 miles) on the paved trail.  Dogs are welcome but must be leashed and cleaned up after. Dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes/boots. Bring water for the hike.

Note: We do not cancel hikes ahead of time due to weather predictions. If that morning we have a deluge, or lightning, Mark will send out an email canceling… if you are not sure, stay home.


This hike will start out at Waukesha’s  Schuetze Recreation Center located at 1120 Baxter St, Waukesha, WI 53186

Contact Information:

Dick Haas and Jeff Romagna help Mark Miner organize these hikes. Email comments or questions to Mark, your hike leader, and he will answer them for you.