Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter: Exploring the Ice Age Trail Presentation – Wauwatosa Public Library

From Oct. 3-30, “Within Wisconsin: Hiking the Ice Age Trail” art exhibit will be on display at the Wauwatosa Public Library.  This art is a mixture of watercolor and found art pieces, inspired by the Trail, created by aspiring Thousand Miler, Carolyn Simpson.

On the first evening of the exhibit, the Ice Age Trail Alliance will host a two-part presentation. The first presentation, Discover the Ice Age Trail, will be given by Diana Matthews, Thousand Miler and Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter member.  The second presentation, will be “See the Trail through an Artist’s eyes” presented by artist Carolyn Simpson.

The presentations will run from 6:30-8:30. They will take place in the Firefly room.

(Ice Age Trail Alliance will be on hand to table at the event with maps and information.)

Since this event is taking place in October, it will qualify for a Mammoth Hike Challenge bonus-miles event!

Carolyn Simpson, a former librarian and corporate foundation executive, took up painting 18 years ago. A board member of the Wisconsin Watercolor Society, she uses her hikes on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail as inspiration for her paintings, which often depict things which are common, lost, old, discarded, weak or fleeting.