Dear Mammoth Steps Photographers & Volunteers,
We did it! Thank you!!
We hope you thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting with the Ice Age National Scenic Trail this past weekend during our Mammoth Steps event. For many of you, the weather was absolutely ideal: bright blue skies, a delightful 80 degrees, and plenty of breezes to keep bugs at bay. For those who encountered flies, humidity, or rain, please know, we appreciate your efforts on behalf of the Ice Age Trail all the more!
It’s truly amazing what can be accomplished when a group of people come together on behalf of the Ice Age Trail.

In total, 111 segments (out of a 120) were hiked with your “Trail Eyes” on alert for downed trees, muddy spots, trail creep, and much more.
We are so grateful for your willingness to participate in a Trail-wide effort to document Trail conditions. We feel Survey123 is a great tool that will make it easier for chapter volunteers to communicate with Alliance staff about problem areas on the Trail and direct resources to areas of greatest need. This weekend was a great start to establishing an effective process that will pay dividends down the road. Here’s an interactive map featuring the results of our assessment efforts.
Additionally, 100 segments were hiked by volunteer photographers whose intent was to capture the Trail’s beauty in images to be used in future Ice Age Trail Alliance publications, website, or social media!
Already, the images posted to social media and arriving in our inboxes are absolutely stunning! You went out of your way to arrange your schedules, take advantage of the best light, and artfully align trees, trail, flowers, or fungi! We’re humbled by your efforts to feature the best of the best along the Ice Age Trail. There are so many great photos to choose from! We are looking forward to featuring them in Ice Age Trail Alliance media in the future.

Collectively, these efforts are providing the Alliance with an impressive wealth of images and information which we wouldn’t have without YOU!!
We can’t say it enough: Thank You. Thank you for wholeheartedly taking Mammoth Steps towards an open, passable, and navigable Ice Age Trail. Our collective efforts will go a long way to elevating the hiker experience this season and beyond.
Stay tuned for more opportunities to reconnect with the Ice Age Trail by visiting our Reconnect page or reaching out to your local volunteer chapter.
Ice Age Trail Alliance Staff