Tony Schuster (and his wife Nancy) enjoys a fantastic day hiking on the Ice Age Trail as Field Editor for the Harwood Lakes Segment in Chippewa County. Tony and Nancy carefully walked the segment to make sure the reality of the Trail was reflected across all three hiker resources. Photo by Nancy Schuster.
Work has begun to update the Ice Age Trail Guidebook, the Atlas, and the Databook. The goal is updated, published versions by February 2020.
We’re looking for dedicated and enthusiastic hikers and lovers of the outdoors to volunteer as Field Editors. That means YOU!
Field Editors will be asked to:
- Hike a selected segment or connecting route of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail,
- Review and verify existing book info,
- Submit a Field Edit Report providing any updated, corrected, or new information.
As a Field Editor you will receive all the documents and support you need to complete your assignment (hiking shoes not included). You can complete your assignment as a Field Editor and submit your Field Edit Report anytime beginning February 2019 and with a deadline of August 1st, 2019.
Segments or connecting routes of various lengths along the entire Ice Age Trail are available.
Field Editors will also have the opportunity to submit photographs for possible publication in the updated books.
The interest in being a volunteer Field Editor is expected to be very high, so sign up right now before all the assignments are gone!
To volunteer (or ask questions) please contact Gary Hegeman, Volunteer Field Editor Coordinator, by phone (414-217-7626) or email (gmheg@wi.rr.com).
The best part of being a Field Editor is the rewards. This opportunity will allow you to:
1. Get exercise (both physical and mental … always good!).
2. Explore in-depth a segment or connecting route of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail.
3. Be a contributor to outstanding Trail publications.
4. See your name in bright lights…or at least in the books’ list of Field Editors.
5. Be a hero — help make the Ice Age Trail more accessible and meaningful to hikers and outdoor lovers everywhere.