By Amy Lord, Education and Outreach Manager & Eric Sherman, Membership and Grants Coordinator

We’re Glad You’re a Part of Our Community!
As wild and crazy as 2020 has been, we would like to take a moment to slow down and say WELCOME and THANK YOU!
Welcome to those of you who recently joined our Ice Age Trail Alliance community, and thank you to those who renewed your membership. The Ice Age Trail Alliance witnessed an unprecedented number of Trail enthusiasts joining in 2020! To date, we welcomed 625 new members, compared with 311 at this same point last year, while our renewal rate remained as healthy as ever. We’re now more than 4,300 members strong, an increase of about 30% over the past decade.
Even as things looked vastly different earlier in the year, our mission of creating, supporting, and protecting the Ice Age National Scenic Trail did not change. The Alliance continued to work tirelessly to acquire and preserve land, build new Ice Age Trail segments, and maintain existing ones.
More than ever, we realize the importance of having healthy, protected natural areas for everyone to enjoy and to which they can feel a special connection. This is what will ensure this Wisconsin wonder is here for generations to come.
So, what do you GET for your membership?
Our seasonal Mammoth Tales newsletter arrives in your mailbox. You receive discounts on Alliance merchandise and an invitation to the annual membership meeting along with voting privileges. You are among the first to know about unique hikes and special events.
In addition, your financial and volunteer contributions are recognized in various ways, beginning with our donor recognition in Member & Donor News, featured the Mammoth Tales.

However, your membership dollars DO so much more!
In a nutshell, your membership helps connect people of all races, ages, and incomes to the Ice Age Trail as a place for fun, exploration, and rejuvenation. Here’s how it makes a difference:
- The Ice Age Trail does not exist through its beauty and magic alone. Your membership helps support the trailbuilding and maintenance projects, which ultimately provide a quality hiker experience. It takes a dedicated workforce of thousands of volunteers from across the upper Mid-West to build and maintain this space for personal growth.
- The Ice Age Trail is not yet complete. Membership dollars help us close the gaps and fulfi ll the vision of a continuous footpath. With your support, the Alliance can permanently protect the Trail through land acquisitions.
- The Alliance firmly believes in sharing the natural story of the Ice Age Trail. Your membership helps us connect with tomorrow’s leaders through immersive, hands-on experiences. Wonder and awe are sparked in students and teachers as the Trail takes them past world-renowned glacial features and offers a lifetime of learning.

Discover how to make the most of your membership!
Deepen your connection to the Ice Age Trail Community and join us for a virtual membership orientation via Zoom. Amy Lord, Outreach and Education Manager, and special guests, will introduce you to Alliance programs and their directors and the organizations we partner with to accomplish our goals. We’ll introduce you to our chapters and the ways you can connect with this vibrant volunteer community.
We’ll highlight resources you can use to plan your next adventure and spend some time answering your questions!
DATE | Wednesday, January 20, 2021
TIME | 9:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE | Sunday, January 10, 2021
On behalf of the board of directors and staff, we appreciate your continued support in helping the Ice Age Trail Alliance with this important work.