Trail Segment & Hiker Resources

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Trail Community, Discover Whitewater, Whitewater Tourism Council, Whitewater Area Chamber of Commerce, Events in Whitewater, Shopping and Lodging in Whitewater

Ice Age Trail: Whitewater Lake Segment

The Whitewater Lake Segment, in closest proximity to the Whitewater Ice Age Trail Community, is a hilly segment which features wooded moraines, kettle lakes, and outstanding views of Rice and Whitewater lakes from atop a steep rise.

Obtain a detailed description of this beautiful hike here: Whitewater Lake Segment, 2017-2019 Ice Age Trail Alliance Guidebook

Obtain a map here: Whitewater Lake Segment, 2017-2019 Ice Age Trail Alliance Atlas

Hiker Services

Forget to pack something and don’t want to head back home? We have options for you!

Find the services listed below at:


The Whitewater Area Chamber of Commerce

Hiking Gear

  • Dale’s Bootery
  • LaGrange General Store!
  • BicycleWise & Sports Fitness
  • Quiet Hut Sports


  • Walmart


  • Walgreens
  • McCullough’s Prescriptions and Gifts


  • Main Street Maytag Laundry
  • Eastside Laundry
  • Majestic Dry Cleaners

Medical Services

  • Mercyhealth Whitewater
  • Fort HealthCare Whitewater
  • SSM Health Dean Medical Group

Public Safety & City Services